From across Georgia, delegates gathered on Saturday, September 9, in the Swails Center of Emmanuel University in Franklin Springs, Georgia, for the 113th session of LifePoint Ministries (Georgia Conference). There were over 140 voting delegates from 43 congregations. In his State of the Conference, Bishop Tim Lamb reported, for 2022, a church membership of 3840, average worship attendance 2552, average Systematic Bible Study 1104, and 1992 people participating regularly online in conference churches. The conference currently has 126 licensed and ordained ministers.
Presiding Bishiop Doug Beacham, whose ordination in with LifePoint Ministries, presided over the conference business session and ordination service. The conference voted to keep the three term limits in the same office for elected conference officials. Following adoption of the Bylaws Report and the section describing executive council officers, the elections began. Bishop Tim Lamb, who has served two full terms, was elected to a third term by acclamation. It was obvious that he is well-loved and respected by the delegates. The remainder of the council members, who had served the previous term, were reelected to their positions: Rev. Jeff Thomas as assistant superintendent, Rev. Brian Williams as secretary/treasurer, Revs. Chris Maxwell, Brian James, and John Price as council members. A fourth new member was elected as a council member to a vacancy, Rev. Phil Smitherman.

L-R: Chris Maxwell, Brian Williams, Bishop Tim Lamb, Jeff Thomas, John Price, and Phil Smitherman (Brian James not pictured)
Bishop Lamb recognized special guests present for the session: former conference superintendents Keith Hearn, Bill Jones, and Doug Beacham. Making special promotional presentations were President Greg Hearn (Emmanuel University), President Chris Thompson (Holmes Bible College), and Rev. Stephen Hanscomb (IPHC Extension Loan Fund).
The following ministers received minister’s license: Abigail Clack, Raycheal Gillis, Brandon Gillis, Malachi Lockett, and Gabriel Tuten. The following received ordination: Stan Adams, Jr., Penny Glass, and Jason White.
The following ministers passed away in the previous year and were remembered by the conference: Rev. Nancy Linkous Beatty and Rev. Okechukwu Ogbuagu.