Clergy Development exists to assist ministers to live out the design God has for them through continuing education, ministerial credentialing, pastoral care, and partnership with the Lilly Foundation.
IPHC Archives maintains items of historical interest for serious researchers. Our inventory includes publications such as the Pentecostal Holiness Advocate as well as IPHC constitutions, disciplines, and manuals.
ARISE IN PRAYER exists is to serve the ARISE 2033 mandate by empowering all International Pentecostal Holiness Churches to become “houses of prayer for all nations.”
IPHC Congregations in 75% of 3,142 counties
200 traditional congregations that are focused on new immigrant populations
IPHC presence in 150 nations
5,000 new IPHC congregations outside the U.S.
House churches in major U.S. cities