Quadrennial Report
Mid-Atlantic Conference
September 16, 2023
Kingsway Christian Center
Rosedale, Maryland
The Mid-Atlantic Conference gathered Saturday, September 16th for their Quadrennial Conference at the beautiful Kingsway Christian Center facility.
The day began with a time of celebration and worship and committing the conference to the plan and purpose of God.
The Quadrennial emphasis of ARISE to Mission was presented as well as a reminder of our privilege and responsibility to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
Pastor Bill Rose was a guest presenter representing EVUSA/Healthy, Growing, Multiplying (HGM). He provided a brief training and promotion on Small Churches Make a Big Difference. The information was well received, and the strong majority of pastors/churches represented agreed to a continued conversation and training.
The delegation chose the three-term limit option for their statute of limitations decision.
There were a number of ministry presentations and promotions:
Women’s Ministries – Neo Hernandez
Discipleship Ministries – Ben Spearman
Missions — Wesley Russ
Missionaries — Van and Jane Bloss
Extension Loan Fund — Matthew Alfred and Nestor Garcia
Falcon Children’s Home — Video
Hispanic Ministries/INCaM — Video
Financial Report — Katie Eckenrode
The Conference delegation of attendees participated in a special offering for Disaster Relief/Maui, Hawaii.
Bishop Abel Palomo provided a thorough State of the Conference Report which included his personal testimony and strong projections for the future.
The election of the Conference Executive Council:
Bishop/Conference Superintendent – Abel Palomo
Assistant Superintendent – Pat Correlli
Sec.\Treasurer – Jessica Schoch
Council Members – Ben Spearman
Don Gray
Nelson Amaya

L-R: Asst. Supt. Pat Corelli, Don Gray, Bishop Abel Palomo, Ben Spearman, Nelson Amaya, and Secretary/Treasurer Jessica Schoch
The Examining/Credential Committee Report:
Ordained Ministers:
Joseph Ma
Hwikun Ma
Local Church Ministers:
Josselyn Raquel Cabrera Aguilera
Marlene Johnson-Bityeki
Frances J. Paterson
MAC Chaplain’s License:
Francisco R. Garcia
Gilmar N. Chilel Hernandez
Avidan Monroy
Saturnino Morente
The two ministers ordained are Korean and brothers and minister with their father in New York. It was a special day for the Ma family.
The Quadrennial Conference concluded with a moving installation of the new conference leadership and a passionate prayer led by Rev. Donna Leatherman. It was a great day for the Mid-Atlantic Conference.
Praise God!
Bishop Garry Bryant