Right now, there is an amazing opportunity open to ministers in the IPHC!
The IPHC is pleased to announce a pathway to acquire a certification in chaplaincy in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). Chaplain (COL) Jerry Jones, US Army Retired, Director of IPHC Chaplains Ministries, and Chaplain Ron Lawson, former Bishop of the Tennessee Valley Conference and current instructor for CPE credits, have joined together to offer a significant scholarship for those interested in pursuing CPE.
CPE is a method of pastoral and theological education through which a student learns and practices pastoral skills under the supervision of a certified pastoral supervisor and mentor, most likely in a hospital, hospice, or institutional setting. The training is also conducted with an emphasis on working with and developing responsible relationships to those who may not be from the same theological or cultural background as the care giver. It provides a learning opportunity for a ministerial student or continuing education for ministers in which they may develop awareness of the theological and psycho-social concerns of persons in crisis. CPE also addresses personal growth matters of self-awareness and self-reflection which are fundamental components for pastoral care.
A CPE certificate of training is a requirement of many institutions which offer pastoral care in a paid position. The certificate can also serve as an advantage on any resume or application. The CPE training is quite different than traditional counseling or pastoral training; according to Chaplain Jones, CPE helps the chaplain or pastor “to give better pastoral care to those who are hospitalized or even facing death.”
The classes consist of four semesters, each across sixteen weeks, with the class meeting by zoom for three hours at a time, one day a week. Twenty-five hours a week of on-site training are also required throughout the duration of the class; the on-site location might be a hospital – possibly in the pediatric ward, burn unit, or terminal unit, hospice center, or applicable church settings. Another important part of the CPE experience is the necessity of “verbatims”. A verbatim is where a candidate leaves his on-site training and immediately records all that he or she can remember from their interactions with a patient and their family. Chaplain Lawson shared that the candidates then spend time in class reviewing the conversations, discussing how he or she may have interacted in a more positive way, and lean on his or her classmates to help them see where they have blind spots that may hurt their interactions.
The program usually costs $1200 per semester, plus a $74 application fee, but the IPHC Chaplains Ministry and the Spiritual Care Chaplains Network have joined together, offering $500 each, totaling $1,000, toward the tuition costs.
The CPE training is a rigorous, intensive program that should be entered into with the intention to work hard. Chaplain Ron Lawson advises, “If you’re not going to put in the work, if you don’t want a really quality experience, then you don’t need to be in CPE.”
IPHC Chaplain Ministries will grant tuition assistance for the first five accepted applicants to CPE under Chaplain Lawson, as there are a limited number of funds available. Those interested in applying for tuition assistance through Chaplains Ministries must meet the following requirements: an IPHC minister who is licensed and in good standing with an IPHC conference, who is a high school graduate or has a GED diploma, demonstrate proof they are accepted into the CPE program, and will sign an agreement if they do not complete all four of the units/semesters, will reimburse Chaplains Ministries. If the candidate meets these requirements and is admitted into the program, he or she will receive tuition assistance for each of the four units/semesters of CPE. Upon the completion of the four units/semesters, the individual will receive a letter and certificate of endorsement stating the individual is qualified to serve as a chaplain in any institution provided they meet other requirements of the institution.
The next set of CPE classes begin on June 4 and continue through to August 25. Anyone who is interested in being a part of this next semester should apply soon. The application deadline is May 6. Once your application is complete, you will receive a call from Chaplain Ron to set up a time for a short interview. After you have successfully completed the application process, you will receive an e-mail about your acceptance along with the link to the Populi student portal for the Class.
One can begin the application process by accessing the Application page and clicking the link to the application. The Link to Chaplain Ron’s website where one can find the CPE Application: https://SCC-Network.Org
Spiritual Care Chaplains Network, (SCC-Network), Chaplain Ron Lawson’s home base, is not for profit, but for the benefit of those who wish to improve their Chaplaincy service through additional education and expertise.
SCC-Network is an affiliate of Clinical Pastoral Education International. Home – Clinical Pastoral Education International (cpe-international.org)
As an affiliate of Clinical Pastoral Education International, SCC-Network supports the vision, mission, and values of CPE-I and abides by the CPE-I code of professional ethics.