April 22, 2023
Bethe Life Worship Center, Greenville, Pennsylvania
The River of Life Ministries Quadrennial Conference took place April 22, 2203. The conference participants gathered in Greenville, Pennsylvania at Bethel Life Worship Center. Pastor Kent and Denise Bell and the local church family served as gracious hosts and provided a quality setting for the day.
The day began with a wonderful time of worship and celebration. We were privileged as a conference family to join together in Holy Communion.
The IPHC Quadrennial emphasis of ARISE to Mission was presented with the message of revisiting and increasing our love for God – the Great Commandment and our love for the world – the Great Commission.
Bishop Dale Adams presented an encouraging message entitled “The Called Ones.” An opportunity for him to remind and challenge the delegation that we have all been called and chosen. We have our special place designed by God in the labor of the Gospel and in the church.
The Conference family paid special respect to former Bishop Charles Hawes in the memoirs report.
There was a delicious lunch provided by the host church and an excellent time for community and fellowship. The afternoon was centered around the Business Session of the Quadrennial Conference agenda.
The Decorum Committee report was presented with the addition of the term limits motion that is a part of the quadrennial conference responsibility.
The delegation chose to adopt no term limits by a very strong majority.
Each of the Conference Executive Council presented reports for their areas of ministry assignments:
- Evangelism Director – Andrew Laddusaw
- Discipleship\Clergy Development – James Fleck
- Camp Director – Holly Terry
- Mission & Finances – Kent Bell
Bishop Adams provided the State of the Conference report. Celebrating the health of the conference and the plan and determination to move forward.
The election results of the Conference Executive Council.
- Dale Adams – Bishop
- James Fleck – Assistant Superintendent
- Kent Bell – Secretary\Treasurer
- Holly Terry – Council member
- Andrew Laddusaw – Council member
(every member of the Council was elected by acclamation)
The Executive Council shared a decision that they will add two younger conference leaders to serve with seat and voice during this Quadrennial. The determination is to invest, raise up and equip the next generation of leadership.
Credentials Received:
- Cindy Roll – Minister’s License
- Savannah Causey — Local Church Minister’s License
There were several special guests who were a part of the conference attendees:
– Rev. and Mrs. Bill Terry – Bishop of Golden West Conference\President of Advantage College
– Rev. Greg Terry – Founder of Bridge Builders International Ministries
– Mrs. Debi Adams – Member of General Level Women’s Ministries Board
– Rev. Kent Bell – Members of the IPHC Finance Committee
It was a good day for the River of Life Ministries Conference and one that will set the tone for a fruitful new quadrennium.
Grace and Peace,
Bishop Garry Bryant
Presiding Officer