IPHC Korean Americans met in Los Angeles on Wednesday, May 10 at World Agape Mission Church (WAMC). This local congregation in downtown Los Angeles is the mother congregation to fourteen Korean American congregations across the USA. This ministry began in 1980 under the leadership of Rev. John Kim, and has expanded to numerous countries in Latin America, Russia, Uzbekistan, and other countries that were part of the former Soviet Union.
Today the Korean American Conference and World Agape Mission Church are led by Bishop Timothy Yoo.
Delegates from eight of the fourteen USA Korean American congregations came to Los Angeles for inspiration and training.
General Superintendent Doug Beacham presented the Arise To Mission training to the delegates. Bishop Bill Terry of the Golden West Conference (Southern California) presented an excellent training on lessons learned as a pastor.
It was a special joy to have two IPHC military chaplains present for the Los Angeles meeting. US Army Chaplain (COL) Suk Kim, Fort Meade, Maryland, and US Navy Chaplain (LT) John Kwon (San Diego, California). These Korean American ministers faithfully serve Jesus Christ and the soldiers and sailors in their duty stations.
l-r: Chaplain Kwon, Chaplain Kim, Presiding Bishop Beacham
Due to Covid, this is the first time the Korean American ministers have met since 2019. The delegates were glad to see one another and the meeting concluded with Holy Communion and prayer.