The fifth annual Virtual Event for Women, hosted by IPHC’s Women’s Ministries, took place on March 10, 2024. The event originated out of necessity in 2020, when the world stopped for Covid-19 and all events were canceled. Whitney Davis, Director of Women’s Ministries for the IPHC, and her team were already planning an event for the end of March 2020, and when the Women’s Ministries team found they were having to shift gears, they chose to go virtual. That change took time, but Whitney and her team were ready to share their hearts in the Fall of 2020. The original virtual event had 6-8 speakers who spoke for approximately 15-20 minutes each. The event was well received, and the team started planning another for the following year. Davis and her team decided to shorten the event to just an hour and incorporate other means of ministry, such as worship. The second Sunday of every March is celebrated as “Women’s Ministries Day,” so it was the perfect evening to hold the Women’s Ministries event. Davis and her team want to make sure women feel valued, seen, and celebrated during this special time.
Over the last two years, the theme of the meetings has been “Abide,” with last year specifically looking at “Abiding in the Word.” This year, keeping with the theme of “Abide,” but expanding the emphasis just a little, the team focused on “Abiding in Worship.” The Women’s Ministry verse of the year is John 4:23-24, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (NKJV). Davis said that in order to create consistency, the team has chosen to use the theme of “Abide” for four years, as it gives the conferences the opportunity to use the resources and promote a given theme over an extended period of time.
For this year’s Virtual Event, “Abide in Worship,” the team utilized many different women who shared brief teachings explaining what worship is and how to worship our Lord, Jesus Christ, in spirit and in truth. In an effort to be more inclusive of their Spanish-speaking sisters, three of the women featured in the event were Spanish speakers, sharing from their hearts words and songs of wisdom and worship. Davis said that the IPHC in the U.S.A. includes several conferences that are predominately Spanish-speaking, and several of the most active Women’s Ministries within the denomination are in those conferences. Since she took on the role of Director in December of 2018, Davis and her team have tried to make sure their Spanish-speaking sisters feel valued, loved, and part of the family. Nancy Medina, Women’s Ministries Director for the Texas Latin Conference, said that her favorite part of the event was the song “You Will Provide” and the women who gave a word in Spanish.
The Virtual Event started with music led by Abigail Moore, a dynamic worship pastor in the IPHC, who ushered the women into a time of worship with her powerful voice. Even though many miles and screens separated the women who joined together in worship, there was an overall feeling of togetherness and a sweet spirit that covered each location. Debi Adams, a member of the Women’s Ministries Council, shared that when we worship and sing, we are actually using both sides of our brain. We truly can worship with all of our heart, soul, MIND, and strength!
Whitney Davis shared a brief message on living a life of worship, and in order to worship God completely, we must value and treasure Him above everything else. We were created to worship; can we really be complete human beings without it? We can also choose obedience as a form of worship, knowing that it is greater than any gift or sacrifice. The most amazing worship statement that we can offer is: “Not my will but yours.”
Julie Ely, Creative Arts Professor and Chair of the Creative Arts Department at Southwestern Christian University, taught the women that worship is a lifestyle, that we can learn to abide in it and to walk it out every day. Sometimes we might find that it is easier to worship when things are hard, when we are desperate for that connection, a touch from Him; it’s harder to worship when things are going “okay”. We must remember that worship is communion with our Lord. Worship goes beyond just music, and it is not a show. Worship is intimacy with our Savior; it is abiding in – spending time in – His presence.
Karelys Pereira, Director of Royal Home Ministries for the Falcon Children’s Home and Family Services in North Carolina, spoke to the women, in Spanish with English subtitles, about the obstacles or challenges we might face in our daily lives in our efforts to worship. Some of those possible obstacles are self-focus/self-centeredness, sin that separates us from God, or pride. To combat these obstacles, we must change our priorities; we have to place God above all other things. We must also surrender, daily, to His will, to His guidance. And lastly, we must live a holy life.
Then, just as the event began, it ended with worship, this time from Stephany Torres. She shared a beautiful, soulful worship song that encouraged the women and exalted His holy name. The Women’s Ministries Council was also called on for the event; they gave us a small peek into their hearts, encouraging each of us to make worship a priority in our lives. Those women are Christy Barlow, Tammy Porter, Erica Campbell, and Carmen Ayala. Two other women, Michelle Anthony with the Faith and Family Gathering and Nicole Hammond with the Women’s Gathering West, shared about some upcoming events across the country that women could be a part of and use to deepen their connections with each other, their families, and ultimately, with the Lord.

Women’s Ministries Council: Christy Barlow, Carmen Ayala, Whitney Davis, Erica Campbell, Debi Adams, Tammy Porter
Director Whitney Davis had this to say about the event: “I was really encouraged. Every year new people get involved and reach out. The Lord is at work in the minds and hearts of these women, uniting their hearts together.” Davis continued on to say that the most positive feedback she heard about the event centered around the conversation questions at the end. Davis shared that the women are open to more involvement within the IPHC: “They want to do life with each other; they want to build community.” Director Whitney Davis wants to create more opportunities, like this Virtual Event, for that to take place.
See below for impressions from some of the virtual attendees:
Nancy Medina, the Women’s Ministries Director of the Texas Latin Conference, shared: “I didn’t know what to expect from this (event) but definitely will plan out ahead of time for next year and invite more women to attend. The women at our church really loved it, and we had fellowship time afterwards.”
Dianne Bryant, who ministers alongside her husband, Lynn Bryant, at New Heritage Church in the South Carolina Conference, shared: “My overall take away from the virtual event was that we are all better when we’re together. Serving the Lord and other Jesus-lovers is so impactful when we serve as a community of believers… I will definitely attend future virtual events, sponsored by the IPHC Women’s Ministries. I will also not just invite women to the next event but will carry them with me to the next event. Pick them up myself and drive them if necessary.”
The virtual event was recorded and can be watched here:
To learn more about the Women’s Gathering West in Modesto, CA, visit:
To learn more about The Faith and Family Gathering in Garner, NC, visit: