When registering for General Conference, please note the Early Bird Registration deadline as well as the dates for specific events.
For more information about delegate certification, please see PageĀ 90 of the IPHC Manual.
Upon completion of your registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from orders@brushfireapp.com. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive it in your main inbox.

When making your hotel reservations, please use this link to secure the IPHC General Conference group discount. Booking through the hotel website will not give you our special rate.
Rate: The nightly rate is $164 which includes taxes and fees. Parking is not included.
Deadline: The deadline to book your room(s) is Friday, June 23.
Room types: Room types are booked as a request and cannot be guaranteed, so please make your reservations as quickly as possible.

The opening ceremony of the IPHC General Conference is an exciting time of celebration and thanksgiving. This year, we would like to invite children (ages 5-12) and teens to join in this momentous celebration and lead the procession with singing to open the 28th General Conference.
If your child or teen would like to participate, please complete the required registration form. A mandatory practice will be held on Tuesday, July 25 at 3 p.m. at the Orange County Convention Center, Level 2.