The A-Team News
by Al & Coli Argo
Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving and Christmas? This is a pretty big deal for our family because its the first time we are able to celebrate these holidays in America since 2011!!! Can you imagine skipping Christmas with your friends and family for that long? As I began to write this letter this cold November morning I searched my heart and asked “Has it been worth it?” “YES, YES! Everyday away from friends, family and the comforts of the US has been worth it!”
It has been worth it because: 1) Children and adults have accepted Christ as their Savior!
2) We were able to help plant LifeChurch Cebu, which is making a positive impact for Him in the highly urban area of north Cebu. 3) We’ve been able to assist and share His love, in relief after major fires, typhoons and earthquakes. 4) We’ve been able to mentor and encourage national missionaries from the Philippines now working across Asia.
Yes, it’s been worth it and my heart is full of gratitude to you because without faithful prayer and support partners like yourself all this would not be possible!
As we begin to celebrate the Holidays. please pray we can return to Asia as soon as possible in His perfect timing! As the additional finances that are required begins to come in, we should be able to return to Asia in the 1st quarter of 2016. Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support.
Please ask God what additional amount He might like you to sow in order to help us return and continue what He is doing in Asia.
If led by the Holy Spirit, please encourage a few others to sow into our ministry as well!
TOGETHER we are making a difference for Him!
We are thankful you are a large part of our ministry! From our hearts to yours Happy Thanksgiving and (early) Merry Christmas!
Photo Credit: Al & Coli Argo