Cave Courier
by Bob & Carol Cave
Seems like it’s been too long since we said hello on paper. If you want our E-Newsletter, please drop us a note via email ( We again Praise the Lord that you are part of our outreach to Europe and the Middle East.
This is the start of our 30th year. It’s hard for us to believe as we still LOVE what we do! Retire… this is what we’d want to do if we retired, so Lord keep us plugged in so we can be a part of the end time harvest. This is a great time to be serving and I see or hear of it every day.
Lots in the news for sure, but there is good news as well. In September, over 20 of us visited the ancient stones of the Seven Churches of Revelation, but the highlight was the living stones (our churches) in Ankara, Laodicea and Antioch. One by one, people are coming to Christ. Please pray for our churches.
Several highlights that you may have seen before: The war between the Ukraine and Russian Separatists continues and has killed thousands and displaced over a million. We have 18 churches in this zone and our mother church in Kiev is sending food trucks weekly to help.
The good news is: our youth/young adults’ evangelism teams (100+) went out from town to villages last summer and ministered to 50,000 people, gave out 40,000 new testaments, and saw 15,000 people saved during June, July and August.
One of our pastors was killed in an accident at the war zone. Bishop Reshetinsky felt moved to say that the church would raise funds to buy his widow and family an apartment flat ($50,000 US), which was a huge goal. Miracle: Between IPHC Ukraine raising $21,000 and IPHC USA raising $29,000, the goal was raised in record time by years end.
Chaplain Jerry Jones led a team of four retired IPHC Chaplains in the first training of Ukrainian volunteer Chaplains this past fall. This is a first in Ex-Soviet Union Countries.
Friday, December 11th was a big day as Jaime Gordon, our oldest granddaughter, graduated with honors from Abilene Christian University in Texas, with a BS degree in Environmental Science. This is a big deal considering a little over a year ago, she was operated on for a brain tumor. Thank you to all who prayed for her during that crisis. THE LORD IS GOOD!
Thank you once again for your faithful support and prayers over the last 30 years. We are your feet that you have sent.
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Photo Credit: Bob & Carol Cave