As you know, we were delayed waiting for visa paperwork to come through, however, right in the middle of July, we got word that our visa document came in! We weren't expecting it until sometime in August! We rushed to the embassy in LA to submit our papers, waited a few days for the final paperwork to come in, and as soon as it came in, we booked our flights for only five days later! We got here on July 31.
At the time of writing this, we've only been here one full day. But, all our luggage came safely, immigration went well, and Russell and Sandra Board (Russell is the Regional Director for Asia and our team leaders/bosses in Japan) were there to pick us up from the airport! Today they took us to an insurance office to help us get on insurance which thankfully went fairly smooth!
We're currently staying with the Boards as we get ourselves established with the government and sort out some things. Later, we will go to Hiroshima and begin to look for an apartment there. Things have been going smoothly. Please pray that they continue to do so! For now, we are so thankful to be here, and are thankful for you all whether you've supported through giving, prayer, or just by being there for us! We're so grateful!
Before we left the U.S. for Japan, we spent our last time with the Campbells in LA. It was their last team of the summer, but we enjoyed fellowshipping with them, and seeing how the team served! Devin also got to speak at their church's English service while we were there. We're so thankful for the Campbells' friendship and their heart for LA!
Devin & Breanne Harden