Eline's Life was Totally Changed
Eline found herself depressed, burnt out, and, due to pain in her ankles, was unable to walk without crutches. For two and a half years, she lived very isolated at home. Then, one day, someone recommended that she try out the online RUAH School of Prophecy. She was curious, so she signed up for the course.
The first evening, she nearly missed the entire session because of her challenges with getting online. But, when she got on, the prophetic words she received began a process of deep change and healing. Wim Kok, one of the trainers, said, “You are coming out of a difficult and dark period of your life, but God says I am going to use you to help bring healing and change in the lives of others.”
Eline, at times, struggled with going through RUAH as she felt she was not good enough, or could not really hear God’s voice for herself, or others. Yet, the love and care she experienced from the trainers and other students was like a warm bath of liquid love. They encouraged her to find a local church again and get out of isolation. She went through all three months of online training, learning about prophecy, power evangelism, and dream and vision interpretation. Her training at RUAH ended in a very special manner.
In January of this year, she attended a national RUAH conference in the Netherlands where she was able to attend, walking without the need of any crutches. Eline’s heart, mind, and body were touched by the power of Jesus through RUAH. Someone who was isolated, lonely, and disabled has found healing, family, and the ability to share God’s love and power with others.
RUAH School of Prophecy Global Growth
In 2023, our Bible School was able train more than 1,000 people online from countries such as Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, USA, Wales, and the Netherlands. This is aside from the live conferences where thousands of people were able to attend in order to be trained and inspired.
In the month of April, our family will be going to Brazil and Argentina to train pastors and leaders in prophetic ministry. In the Netherlands, we continue working together with Scarlet Cord (www.scarletcord.work) to help people get out of prostitution, and we are leading our local church, Iglesia Vida Nueva. We are also seeing great developments as New Life Network – IPHC continues to grow.
Our children are doing great. Judah is studying to be a car mechanic and Hannah just returned from doing YWAM Bible School in Spain and Paraguay. She is also looking to spend some time in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Peru in the next few months before starting college in the fall. Levi and Benjamin continue to grow up quickly and enjoy their sports and friends.
We are so thankful to all of you for your faithful prayer and financial support. Thank you for making it possible for us to do what we do.
Matthew & Femke Helland
Please send your contributions directly to:
World Missions Ministries PO Box 270420 Oklahoma City, OK 73137
Matthew Helland Support Account #35021S or Ministry Account #35021M
OR give online right now by visiting: give.iphc.org/HELLAND-MATTHEW