Two Hearts For Haiti
by Roger & Ginger Johnson
Bon Jou!!! Good day to all of our fellow saints in Christ Jesus!!!!
We are now really into the new year of 2016. The Lord has been reminding me of who I am in Christ Jesus and we all need reminders from time to time.
We are children of our glorious Father in heaven, chosen before the foundations of the earth, determined beforehand to be adopted as sons through Christ!!!!!This excites me!!!! And I want others to be excited about this as well! Especially our Haitian brothers and sisters!
We returned home in April of 2015 to begin our first furlough and have been sharing the story of what God is doing in Haiti everywhere we go. While listening to or reading news about the political turmoil that is currently at a boiling point in Haiti, the enemy would have us think it is hopeless there. But many Haitians are searching for hope. Six years after the 2010 earthquake, our IPHC churches are still growing!!! Many have outgrown their existing buildings!!! They are finding their hope in Jesus!!!
During our three years in Haiti, we were able to:
1. Host an average of six teams per year
2. Help with a pastors’ conference
3. Help with a women’s conference
4. Provide updates on our schools for People to People
5. Build relationships with our Haitian Bishop and PTP Director
6. Begin expanding one of our churches (the roof still needs to be
7. Connect church members and school children with resources for
medical needs
When we return, Roger will be traveling with Bishop Joseph Abraham to provide needed discipleship and teaching to pastors and church leaders in remote areas.
We need to get back! Praise be to God for all who have and are continuing to support our ministry! You are such a blessing to us and the Haitian people! We are still in need of new partners and supporters in order to return. Pray for the timing of the Lord, as it is always perfect!
Support their ministry here!
Photo credit: Roger & Ginger Johnson