Dear mission partner, greetings to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. It is such a joy to write to you to share a few highlights of the work of God on the mission field in Tanzania, which you are a part of. Thank you so very much from deep down in my heart for your continued prayers and financial support. No one can repay you for all your prayers and giving, but God is faithful.
I am doing well both spiritually and physically, which I am so thankful for. The joy of the Lord in my heart has truly been my strength.
God is doing great things on the field. Hearts are being touched and lives forever changed. There is a lady whose husband passed away last year in June and left behind six children, four still in school. It was so hard on this family. I stood with them, encouraging, and helping them whenever I could, especially with their schooling. This year, the older girls, Judith in 12th grade and Upendo in 9th grade, gave their lives to Jesus and are doing well. It is such a blessing to see them grow in the Lord. Praise the Lord! Thank you for giving to the Lord. (See photo below)
In July, we gave two motorcycles to two pastors, Paul Mwanzalima and Gilbert Mahuba. These pastors took turns going to minister to Maasai groups on Sundays after their church services. They did this by renting bicycles for a day. It is about five miles away and the roads are not good, but they went anyway because they love to see others served. I went there with them several times and I saw the need for them to have better transportation. When I shared this need in my newsletter you gave for the need. Thank you so very much. It was a big celebration of handing over these motorcycles. (See them pictured below)
Prayer Requests:
Because of the gas prices going up ($5.80/gal), prices of other things have gone up as well. The rains were not enough this year, so crops are low. Most people are struggling economically. Please pray for the economy of Tanzania. Also, please pray for the new church plants to grow and have places of worship.
Thank you again, and until next time, please remember: “A Mission’s Partner is a Miracle Candidate.”
Yasinta Mrema