On March 20, Phyllis and I celebrated our 51-year wedding anniversary and 38 going on 39 years of ministry in the USA and abroad. I was told in my younger years that as you get older time goes by faster. It seems like yesterday we started out and behold, here we are.
A word to the younger generation—Don’t get in a rush. Serve God. Grow spiritually. Enjoy the journey. Make good decisions. Live well. You will have few if any regrets…Trust Him in all things!
If asked, “What do you miss the most?” The easy answer is family, kids, and grandkids. It is a blessing to me when our family is blessed.
Someone once asked (sarcastically), “What do pastors do?” Thinking ministers don’t do much. I can’t speak on behalf of all ministers, but we will share a little about what is going on in the field.
From March 28 through 30, the conference located on the West Coast (IPAR) gathered for their annual meeting and elections. This year we will have elections in two conferences for Mexico.
Cesar Villanueva was elected as Conference Superintendent. This will be his second term. The IPAR Conference is expanding into other areas, training ministers, and planting churches.
Our part has been completed. A big thank you to all those who have helped.
The Antioch Grant provided played a big part in helping us reach this goal. Giving to the Go-Offering does make a difference.
CURSUM Advanced Ministerial Training
At present, for this one area alone, there are 350 students enrolled. Training is essential to win and maintain a harvest. We had eight graduates who finished their studies for the advanced program.
Over the last year, we have focused on finishing some building projects. By the year’s end, if nothing changes, we will complete three building projects, and possibly a fourth if we can get it lined up properly. We are finishing up the Independence Church with the Armenia Church roof going up next.
We will now begin to focus on the campgrounds. The Lord willing, the roof for the kitchen will begin as soon as we can put a group together. Our goal is to begin to use the grounds for its intended purpose—A church plant, training facility, and Conference Headquarters. By His grace and the dedication of God’s people, it will become a reality. Praise the Lord!
Our Guatemala Conference has nine new church plants for 2024 in progress. We can never express sufficiently the importance of reaching out to new areas, reaching unreached people, and planting new churches. That is what the church world should stay focused on.
Dear Friends, we just celebrated our 51st wedding anniversary. Wow, it seems as though we just got started.
Many may remember our daughter Amber. She’s married, has two of the cutest boys ever, and will graduate in May from Oral Roberts University with a master’s degree. She is still involved in ministry and missions. She was a blessing when she worked with us, and continues to be a blessing to others.
God’s blessings, provision, and family really are the most important things in life. God is good, all the time.
Your prayers and financial support are greatly appreciated. You are loved.
Love and Blessings, Phyllis
Our calendar is filling up as usual. I always look forward to sharing the Word. We want to see an increase in the harvest for the Gulf Coast Region. To help facilitate that, we need faithful, God-called, God-loving, and God-honoring men and women. We invite you to join us in prayer for laborers, both at home and abroad.
Your prayers and financial support help us stay on the field to do our part. You count and you are important. Thank you!
As we close out this newsletter, we ask you to remember us in prayer. This year we will cover a lot of ground, and next year is already filling up.
We are opening new ground in an area with the Huichol indigenous people. We will give an update on this in our next newsletter. To let you know, we have a pastor, building, and congregation all up and running. Praise the Lord!
We do send out an update every two months by way of the Internet. If you would like to receive the updates, send me a text with your email addresses, or contact us via email, and we will put you on the list.
Thanks and Blessings,
Ron & Phyllis Roy