*Update 03/05/2025
Ukraine Update - Three Years of War
By Bill Schwartz, Regional Director of Central / Eastern Europe
Ukraine – Three Years of War
On February 24, 2025, we passed the third anniversary of the Ukraine - Russian War. The entire world has questions about when the war will end: What will be left? Where will Ukraine go from here?
With all the questions, there is one sure thing! Our IPHC Churches have served heroically and selflessly during these three horrific years. Their continuous visits to the communities within miles of the front lines have provided humanitarian aid to those who would not have life-sustaining supplies without their efforts.
However, their efforts are only possible by the generosity of our IPHC church in the USA. Our humanitarian teams in Ukraine have provided:
- 72,530 Food Boxes
- 1,185 generators
- Clothing and Christmas gifts to hundreds of children and families
In total, approximately 572,000 people have been ministered to and have heard the gospel.
In November, Bishop Beacham and First Lady Susan Beacham visited Ukraine. While ministering to more than 150 pastors and ministers, they also visited communities close to the front lines. They witnessed the courageous efforts of our Ukrainian humanitarian team, led by Pastor Dima Louik.
Bishop Beacham stated as he reflected on his recent visit, "Our visit to Ukraine reinforced the impact that disciples of Jesus can make in sharing His love to those in great distress. We saw firsthand the hope in the eyes of children and adults as they knew they were not alone and were not forgotten. The Ukraine IPHC is making a world of difference, and I'm so thankful for how the global IPHC family continues to respond to this great need."
Ukraine IPHC Bishop Reshentinsky recently sent a message of gratitude, expressing his thanks for the support of our IPHC family. "We are very grateful to the Lord that God's hand is upon Ukraine," he said. "We express our deep gratitude to the leadership of the IPHC and all brothers and sisters for being with us in this difficult time. We are grateful for your friendship, faithfulness, and dedication. May God reward you 1,000 times. But we continue to trust God and believe that common sense will prevail. Thank you very much for your support, prayers, and friendship."
World Missions Executive Director Talmage Gardner also shared his thoughts on the efforts of our IPHC Churches in Ukraine. "I have tremendous confidence in the work/ministry that the IPHC is doing in the Ukraine. Bishop Reshetinsky and Pastor Dima [director of their humanitarian ministry] have proven to be trustworthy and grateful for the prayer, financial, and moral support/encouragement they receive from us as members of their IPHC faith family. In addition to ministering to the ever-changing humanitarian needs, souls are being saved, and churches are being planted in new areas. As their members have fled to surrounding countries, they are planting churches in the new communities where they find shelter. They have demonstrated great courage in moving forward. We cannot abandon these family members in this time of great need."
We trust God to provide the protection and finances needed to continue ministering to those in desperate need. Would you consider helping financially as we advance the gospel by meeting the needs of the suffering? Your support has never been more critical than it is in this season.
Please accept my deepest gratitude for your prayers and support. Together, we are making a difference in Ukraine.
Contributions can be sent to World Missions designated for “Ukrainian Relief Fund” 41502P, or online by clicking the link.