July 2023
Always know the seed you sow into this Kingdom work is noticed and appreciated.
India, Western Conference Update

Indian Pastor receiving her ministry license in the Western Conference graduating from their school.
We see God’s faithfulness in the Western Conference in India as new churches are joining the IPHC family and the Kingdom of God is expanding.
In May we conducted two pastor’s conferences: one in Solapur, Maharashtra and the other at Mount Abu, Rajasthan. Since the birth of Tony and Roma’s (our Western Conference Directors) second son came at this time, our leaders David and James took up the responsibility and conducted these meetings well.
In Sholapur, seven church planters were accredited with mission worker licenses and were released to plant churches.
In Mount Abu, we had around 40 young pastors and leaders in attendance, out of which 15 pastors have expressed interest in joining the IPHC.
Danny and I would like to congratulate Tony and his wife Roma on the birth of their second son, Jadon, on April 17, 2023.
Thank you to each of you who pray, give and support this ministry in any way. We appreciate you more than words can express. Your support allows us to go to the nations and share the message of Jesus Christ for which we are eternally grateful.
Nepal Update
It was a delight to have Dr. Barbara Carter join us in Nepal to help decorate our new headquarters. We are so appreciative of her time and help. We will send more photos at the time of the dedication scheduled for December of this year.
Frank and Mandy Moore also visited Nepal to prepare for their future as full-time missionaries. We are grateful for their love, passion, and commitment to the precious Nepali people. They were a blessing and encouragement to each one they encountered, and we look forward to them joining us in 2025.
Ashok and Sunu, our Assistant National Directors for Nepal, are doing wonderful work among several different people groups, especially in remote areas. We are grateful for their dedication.
Ashok recently held a strategy meeting with several leaders in Kathmandu to discuss plans for church planting, as well as plans to travel to remote locations to spread the gospel.
Our leaders in both India and Nepal share our vision for which we are eternally grateful.
Please Pray For:
• Our leadership and the National Board in each province of Nepal
• Our leadership in the Western Conference of India
• The completion of the ongoing legal paperwork in Nepal
• Favor with the government concerning taxes for the headquarter building
• The upcoming preparations for the dedication of the headquarter building
Danny & Judith Williams