by Douglas & Remy Barton
New Year
We open the New Year with a warm and gracious “Thank You” to all of our partners over the past 30 years who continue to join with us in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and in training and equipping others to be more effective in their witness.
We can say with the psalmist David, “The lines have fallen to us in pleasant places…In His presence is fullness of joy; in His right hand there are pleasures forever” (Psalm 16:6, 11). Though 2015 was not a year without tears and pain and struggles, it was a year in which we were very much aware of God’s presence and blessings with us.
Remy continues to be strong and healthy. Since completing her chemo sessions in April 2015, she has had opportunities to preach in various churches at least once a month… this in addition to sharing her faith with other cancer patients and praying and encouraging them.
Remy has just completed the 13th of the 18 cycles of Herceptin. This was possible because so many of you gave generously to help meet the financial need and because the pharmaceutical company, Roche, was willing to donate half the vials of medication needed. God does work in astounding ways to meet the needs of His children. By the end of April 2016, she will have completed all 18 cycles.
Ethan preached his first sermon in December at a youth Christmas gathering in Tarlac. He has just finished his 3rd quarter exams and has done really well. He had the highest score in his class in Math and Social Studies and 2nd highest in English. He continues to do very well in Filipino and Chinese. He is looking forward to March 13th when he will be 14 years old and to the summer school break which also begins in March. He will be in the 8th grade when the new school year opens in June. He is now as tall as his dad and still growing.
By the time this newsletter reaches you the issue with Natanya’s birth certificate should be completed and new progress on the adoption begun. Please pray with us that God will grant us favor and we will be able to finalize the adoption quickly.
Douglas was able to spend 10 days in Hyderabad, India during November. It had been about 12 years since he was last there. It felt like a homecoming. He had the privilege of teaching 25-30 students on the topic “Called to Serve.”
We believe that 2016 is going to provide greater opportunities for ministry and that we will be able to accomplish goals that we were unable to accomplish in 2015.
Thanks again for your continued prayers and financial support.