Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!!
Even as the coronavirus pandemic continues its global rampage, we know that Jesus is alive and well and on the throne! We serve an omnipotent King and an everlasting Kingdom!
NEPAL - Through the special COVID-19 International Relief fund, IPHC World Missions is partnering together with our national churches to show compassion and generosity to those who are suffering. In spite of police checkpoints, transportation strikes and public unrest, our leaders in Nepal have managed to find creative ways to get food and supplies to where they are needed most.
As a direct result of these efforts to minister to communities in need, the churches are seeing a harvest of new believers. Many people who have experienced the love of God demonstrated in practical and personal ways have opened their hearts to the gospel and given their lives to Christ.
On top of this, the Lord has made a way for IPHC Nepal to obtain official registration with the pro-Hindu government. This gives us the right to own property, hold training programs, issue credentials, perform baptisms, marriages and funerals, run orphanages, schools, elderly homes and community centers, produce literature and visual media, set up businesses, and engage in all sorts of relief and humanitarian activities. This is nothing short of a miracle!
INDIA - In response to government pleas for assistance, our churches in North India distributed supplies purchased by funds from WMM COVID-19 International Relief. With a heart to love their neighbors, the churches then drew upon their own resources to help their local communities. These acts of faith and generosity have resulted in an extraordinary revival!
As Bishop Michael John puts it, “God is moving in North India as people are flocking towards the King in an unprecedented way.” Recently, over 2,000 people gathered for an evangelistic meeting in N district; a new church has been planted in D city, with many delivered from demonic oppression; church planters are being trained in G city; new house churches were started in C district and T district; and several new villages have been reached with the gospel through power evangelism and the digging of fresh water wells. To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Amazingly, in this time of pandemic and financial crisis, the churches of North India collected over $3,100 to give to the annual Global Outreach offering! In a country where the average daily wage is $5 in US currency, this represents truly sacrificial giving.
• Pray for India, which is on track to become the nation with the highest number of coronavirus cases and deaths. The virus is spreading rapidly, but daily wage earners cannot survive a strict lockdown.
• Pray for our missionaries in Nepal and the network of national leaders who have been given new opportunities to do ministry. It remains against the law to convert someone from Hinduism to Christianity, so much wisdom will be needed in all they do.
• Pray for us as we use technology to supervise, encourage, pastor and teach in 11 countries during this time of restriction on travel.
• Pray that individuals and churches in the U.S. will catch the spirit of radical generosity manifest in India, so that the gospel will continue to spread to the unreached around the world.
Thank you for your partnership in the gospel!
Russell & Sandra Board