Late Spring Update
Greetings, dear friends. Wow! What a day to be a Christian! We're getting lots of positive news even when the media keeps sending so many mixed messages. God's Word stays the same and gives us such hope! Let me share a few highlights of what the Lord is doing in our region, Eurasia and the Middle East.
UKRAINE: We're into the 2021 church planting season and are planning on planting 10 new church congregations across Ukraine this year. Pastors are just finishing their training. By the way, Ukraine is also going to be planting two churches in Azerbaijan, two in Russia, and the second church in Bulgaria. Can your church sponsor one of these eastern European church plants at $5,000 each?
KRUSHINKA, UKRAINE: The Drug Rehab Center and church plant is nearing completion. The new church plant, three years ago, was sponsored by Calvary Church in Surrey, BC, Canada, and it has been an inspiration to the whole village.
ISRAEL: We've watched Israel battle as rockets showered down on them sent by Hamas in Gaza. But, even with all the Covid and war turmoil, almost 70 new Jewish followers of the Messiah were baptized in the Jordan River. The Covid Emergency Relief Fund has made a major difference in keeping our Drug Rehab Centers open, as well as keeping many people who have lost their jobs fed.
We are also looking to some of our U.S./Canadian churches to "adopt" or become a prayer partner with one of our 35 churches in Israel (most are first-generation house churches). Please let me know if your church will do this, and I'll send you data on the appropriate Israeli house church.
BULGARIA: Our Mother church in Kiev is very intentional in planting churches in ex-Soviet Union countries. One was planted in 2020, and a second one will be planted this spring. These church plants bring the hope to many World Missions' established fields that they will move from receiving nations to sending nations. Ukraine is an excellent example of this.
BELARUS: This small country of nine and a half million people is tied to Russia and is quite dictatorial. We have four new church plants there and plans for the next one. Our associate mother church in Minsk of 1,500 persons, under Bishop Valery Reshetinsky's good friend, Pastor Vyacheslav Goncharenko (Pastor Slava), had its entire property confiscated. Its auditorium was also pushed down to build a school. Pastor Sasha founded his church in this city location 25 years ago, and the government would never give them a clear title. Please pray that their solution will come soon.
TURKEY, ROMANIA, AND HUNGARY: They have all gone, or are going, through the various stages of Covid, and some are still needing our relief help. We pray that this will also be a soul harvest time.
Carol and I continue to be well connected with the fields through Zoom, WhatsApp, Facetime, emails, and whatever else can be used. I miss the face-to-face connection, but don't we all? We thank the Lord for our health and our family's health during this difficult time. Thank you for your prayers and faithful support of our missionary account. We've lost some supporters along the way in the last while, so if you can help, it would be much appreciated.
Lots of love,
Bob & Carol Cave