People to People sponsorship and feeding program began in 2000. Through this ministry, outreaches are opened and lives continue to be touched. Merlen Lamanilao, Country Director and PTP administrator, offered to share a wonderful testimony of one family: a single mother Thearith Soun and her daughter Mai Mai.
One afternoon one of our church members asked Sammy and me to visit her neighbor who was very, very sick. Without hesitation, we bought rice noodles and fish and followed them. As we arrived, Thearith seemed to be an old, skinny lady, but we soon discovered AIDS-HIV Virus infected her. We shared the Good News, and she allowed us to pray for her. She was so ill that she thought she would die, and said she would give her daughter Mai Mai to us.
We continued to visit her. She heard more about God and experienced prayers for her situation. Her faith grew along with hope to survive. Finally, she could come to church and there she decided to give her life to Jesus as her Savior and was baptized. We then enrolled Mai Mai to PTP for sponsorship and she also attended the feeding program meals on Thursdays and Sundays.
As Thearith faithfully served God, people began to ask how her health had improved. She simply said, “It’s hard to explain, but if you want to know, come to the church of Pastor Sam.” This opened the door for other HIV-AIDs women to come to our church, and we saw God bring healing into their lives. Eventually, she began serving as the president of the women’s group in the church.
God has blessed them so much, and as of now, Thearith is the Director, and Mai Mai is the CEO of DOM Lai Mon, a tailoring cooperative of HIV affected citizens. It’s a small enterprise, but they manage to export some of their goods. hey also make some brass jewelry made from bombshells.
During my last visit in Cambodia, Merlen took me to their shop. What a blessing to see the mother and daughter flourishing in this business. They are even extending assistance to two poor and neglected children from a village so they can go to school.
Thank you to everyone involved in the monthly sponsorship of children in Asia. I think it would be safe to say, Mai Mai’s life would be very different without this intervention. The love of God not only changed their eternity, but is enabling them to share His love and abundance now.
I, again, had the privilege of assisting in a medical outreach in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India in the middle of February. Along with five people from the U.S., three from Japan, and two others from the Philippines, we served in seven churches to spread the love of God; 1,300 individuals were touched through this outreach. Most of these individuals had never stepped into a church and seemed overwhelmed to receive things as simple as reading glasses, vitamins, toothbrushes, medicines, etc. Many expressed their thanks; they would walk around the room touching us and nodding their heads and clasping their hands in a gesture of thanks.
Sunday afternoon at the beach was a time of fellowship with our host, Bishop Samuel and Smitha Moses, along with our India team translators, site coordinators, etc. Our group picture truly reflects the Global church family: Filipinos, Japanese, Americans, and Indians. Thank you for being a part of this team through your prayers and support; reflecting His love in Asia.

Russell Board’s birthday & during clinics smiles prevailed. Top right: Team picture Lower left: thanking God for successful outreaches in 7 churches.