We are overwhelmingly thankful to God for 2024. It was a very blissful year for us. Comparative to 2023, we saw tremendous growth in the ministry, in winning souls for Jesus, in church planting, making disciples, and in church growth. We are now in the process of collecting 2024 church statistical data and will give the report as soon as the information becomes available. Over the past year, we were encouraged and tremendously blessed by your unswerving faithfulness in serving the Lord with us. Thank you! We love you and thank God whenever we remember you. One of the reasons for the continuous fruitfulness of the ministry is the selfless and unwavering support of IPHC WMM, including those gifted anointed trainers and leaders and their teams from various ministries under our organization. It’s the Lord who brought us all together to expand His kingdom in this predominantly Buddhist nation of Thailand.
As 2024 was ending—September to December—significant events occurred that impacted the ministry to prosper beyond our imagination. To God be the glory! Indeed, He is the one who made the increase. As we are eternally grateful, we would like to take this opportunity to thank those who came to Thailand for all their kindness, personal sacrifices, and tireless efforts to minister to the Thai people and other ethnic groups as well. In this extension of special thanksgiving, we would like to mention the following: The Medical and Children Ministry Teams led by Kelly Bird and Dr. James Eby and his team; the Awakening Team led by Rev. Madeline Nix; and Anne and Matt Barlett, Bishop Doug and Susan Beacham, Bishop Talmadge Gardner, Rev. Russell Board, Dr. Sabu Abraham and Dr. Edgar Banaga. Dr. Wallapa Wisawasukmongchol and I are humbly honored and delighted to be of service to them in fulfilling their respective missions here in Thailand. Their valuable presence led to the success of the medical and children ministry outreaches, the 21st IPHC/ACA Conference 2024, the Youth Camp, the 3rd Commencement Exercises of Thailand Theological Seminary (368 students graduated from 9 branches), the Hope Center Ministries for Women Building Dedication, the Banklor Trinity Church Dedication, the Mottana Church Based Training Center Dedication, and the groundbreaking ceremony of Hope Center Ministries for Men.
Time passes by very quickly. As we step forward in faith for the year 2025, we believe that the ministry will continuously bear much fruit and certainly touch many lives for Jesus with the help of the Almighty God. Your continuous prayers and steady support are highly valued and appreciated. This will eventually take us to the next level of fruitful ministry. Hallelujah!
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV)
May the Lord lead us to see what He wants us to see, hear what He wants us to hear, and do what He wants us to do to fulfill the things He has prepared for us as we humble ourselves and obey Him.
Thank you and God bless us all even more.
Your Co-laborers in Christ.
Brother Albert & Sister Jiep Gonzales