Greetings Faithful Supporters,
Central Africa’s First Church in Malawi, is in the process of being rebuilt to honor God and to thank Missionaries, IPHC Leaders, and Churches with hearts for missions.
Years ago, Rev. John Guthrie shared the gospel of Jesus Christ and taught God’s word to the mine workers in Krugersdorp, South Africa. As a result, many Malawians working on the mine were born again.
Shortly after, a time came when many Malawian mine workers died in a bad mining incident. The President then pulled all Malawians off the mine to never return. Since the born-again mine workers were no longer employed, they decided to start planting churches in Malawi, and one in a village called Chiradzulu. Rev. John Guthrie, in 1955, met up with the born-again workers in that area to establish the first Pentecostal Holiness Church in Malawi.
Below, see the first church where Rev. John Guthrie met the born-again mine workers, who became the leaders of the church. Ten years ago, the front and back panels of the church fell because of termite infestation. The walls were then rebuilt by the congregation. Following this, a request was made for help in rebuilding the church. Rev. Dr. Kundael Mrema visited the church to encourage them, and one time he asked me to represent him and deliver another encouraging message. As I ended in prayer, I was prompted to look to my right for an answer to my question: “God, how can I encourage the people to remember your faithfulness?” I saw a map of Malawi eaten out on the wall by the very termites that destroyed the church. The word was given to the congregation with confidence and boldness that God was saying:“ I have not forgotten Malawi.” I encouraged the congregation to trust God and do all they can to help. Look at the pictures taken
when Rev. Ken Terry from Buffalo Ridge, USA visited the congregation to encourage them. The foundation was built to the size of 22m x 9m (72’ x 30’) during 2014/15. The congregation molded good bricks, carried water, and helped coordinate collecting river sand. In October 2015, Bishop Doug Beacham, with Malawi PHC leaders, dedicated the foundation and unveiled cornerstones with encouraging scriptures.
Ceramic brick pillars have been built-up, and this February 2018, the roof level has been reached! Thank you all for giving to missions. Through WMM, CD, Rev. Turner, and the late RD, Rev. Dr. Mrema, your mission funds made it possible, and I thank God that we are able to proceed with our building project.
Sharon Church Leaders
The goal is now for the National PH Church in Malawi to help with windows, sidewalls, and doors. You may give towards the steel roofing budget ($7,800) through WMM.
Please send your pledge to altheameyer5@gmail.com, and send all funds to IPHCWMM P.O. Box 12609 Oklahoma City, OK 73157. Mark giving toward Sharon PHC, project number #11635P.