Mrema Newsletter: December 2021

December 16th, 2021
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Dear Mission Partner, Greetings to you in the mighty name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. I am glad to let you know that...

Roy Newsletter: December 2021

December 8th, 2021
SEASONS GREETINGS AND BLESSINGS TO ALL As this year ends, next year’s activities are gearing up. Phyllis and I are staying busy as usual. We feel this quarter has probably...
Lulu at the Oasis market

Salazar Newsletter: December 2021

December 7th, 2021
"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined" (Isaiah 9:2). ...

Wooten Newsletter: December 2021

December 6th, 2021
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! It is so exciting to be able to come to you at the end of this year and give you a report. What...

Crook Newsletter: December 2021

November 30th, 2021
The Last Shangri-La God so loves the world that He continually places His love for this world in us, and those who hear the call are determined to bring this...
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