Dear Mission Partner,
Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is with such joy I write to you again, my dear friends in ministry. I am hoping all is well with you as you read this letter.
It is that time again for me to be back home so that I can reorganize and visit with as many of my partners as I can. I will be here for a few months and then I will go back to the mission field. I want to visit your church and share with the congregation what the Lord has done on the field. Two young Muslims have come to the Lord through the People to People Feeding Program, and both of them are in the church at Ebenezer where we were pastoring. Thank you, partners, for your prayers and financial support. Together, we are changing lives one at a time. Pastors, please call me on my cell phone at (864)720-4014 or email me at Thank you so much for that opportunity. I still have one opening in August and three openings in September.
It was such a blessing that I was able to be here on time for the South Carolina Camp Meeting. It was with great delight to see and speak with many of you who were there during that week. What a blessing it was to be ministered to by Presiding Bishop Doug Beacham. It was a great time for preaching, teaching, and fellowship. Thank you, SC Conference leadership, for awesome preparations.
I have been blessed with my very first grandbaby, Ezra Elishama Mrema. He was born July 3, 2019, weighing eight pounds, four ounces, and was 20.5 inches long. Glory to God, I was able to be here at his birth. He is a bundle of joy! Both parents, Grace and Shama, are doing well. They are in Greenville, SC.
Thank you again for your support through financial giving and prayer. Until next time, please remember; “A Mission Partner is a Miracle Candidate.”
Missionary to Tanzania,
Yasinta Mrema