“Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospereth” (3 John 2:2, KJV).
From my heart to you and your home, may that scripture be fulfilled in your life.
By the time you receive this newsletter, we will be in the States fundraising. The last three years passed so quickly. In this newsletter, I cannot share all that has been accomplished. I believe this tour was the most productive we have ever had. Hopefully and God willing, we will have the time and opportunity to share with each one of our partners while we are fundraising in the U.S. With team effort and everyone doing their part, small or great, we were able to hit some home runs while on the field. Your participation helped make this a reality. You are needed, you count, and you are greatly appreciated.
In 2017, The Mexico Region experienced an 18.6% growth. One church baptized in the neighborhood of 200 new converts within a one-year period. The Conference of that church had a 24.9% increase in membership. Per our last count, the Mexico Region has a total membership of 22,825 from both Conferences.
Berea Project Number 5503P
The first columns are a sight for sore eyes. Because of the regulations and building codes, a lot of time and money has gone into the ground (literally). The columns are placed, and the beams and roof are to be completed next. The rest of the project should move quickly.
A side note: the Go-Offering was helpful in getting us to this point. Does giving to the Go-Offering pay off? Yes! Soon there will be a completed building, occupied, up, running, and doing what it is designed to do. To those who gave toward this project, THANK YOU!
Manhaniam Project Number 55014P
Thank you to the North Carolina Conference for the generous offering that went toward the purchase of the roofing material. We are now in their building and holding services. The church is growing and stretching itself. If you would like to give a one-time gift, large or small, to help them purchase cement for the floor (around $1,500), it would be a blessing. You may do so by listing the name Manhaniam and project number 55014P with your gift. The gift will be applied as soon as possible.
We have three schools of ministry (SOM) going on at the moment, with two more in waiting. It is an incredible blessing to see the hunger for learning and advancement of each student through SOM. From last year until now, we have graduated 85 students from trimesters three-five. Your helping us helps them. We are a few steps away from where we want to be with SOM, but a dream can become a reality through hard work and persistence. PTL!
We are excited to have Bishop Chris Thompson, President of Holmes Bible College, traveling to be with us at the SOMs in the month of May 2018.
In the month of April, the Director of World Missions Ministries, Talmadge Gardner, gave us a challenge, which we are eager to take on. The position of Continental Director has been done away with. WMM will now have twelve regions, with twelve directors. Instead of one region (Mexico), we will now work with two other countries (Guatemala and Belize) as Regional Director. The system we have developed to help our Mexican pastors and churches, Lord willing, will now be expanding into Guatemala and Belize when and where we can.
World Missions Ministries is expanding its tent. The next few words are not for everyone and yet they are. If you are sensing a call to missions, want to get connected, and you have: 1) a genuine call of God to missions, 2) a want to learn and be encouraged in developing your calling, and 3) a good attitude and are willing to work with others to fulfill the Great Commission, WMM may have a place for you. There is more to missions than building teams and visiting foreign countries. There is nothing wrong with that, but we are in need of men and women with a call to the pulpit, who believe and practice what they preach and teach, and can administrate. If this letter speaks to you, you may want to consider speaking to WMM. If you are sensing a call to Mexico, Guatemala, or Belize, you may want to consider communicating with me. I would love to talk to you. To all others, you are still needed. Everyone can participate in the latter day harvest. Hallelujah!!!
Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus,
Ron and I celebrated our 45the anniversary on March 20th. We are so grateful to our Lord for His hand upon our lives God has put so many wonderful people in our path, of which we have become close to. To celebrate our anniversary, we invited a few families and prepared a Cajun Style Gumbo. It does not get any better than that.
We stay busy. Ron was one of the speakers for the Convention for the IPHR Conference in Mexicali this year. One of the speakers (Chris Thompson, President of Holmes Bible College), canceled due to a funeral obligation. We stay as busy as we want to be, (which is a lot) holding meetings, School of Ministry, and building programs. Sometimes we even take a nap, me more than him. LOL
We have so much more to share. In closing, Phyllis and I have been in missions for 24 years, and in ministry longer than that. It seems the older we get, the more open doors we encounter and the more productive we become. As we age (Phyllis has done well), there is a knowing that whatever we do, we do for others. Somewhat like building a runway for someone else to go farther and faster to reach the harvest. Every day is a day less we have to work and a day closer to His returning.
We are blessed by your prayers and financial support. You are wanted, needed, appreciated, and prayed for. In regards to giving, there are three ways: 1) through your local church, 2) by mail to World Missions Ministries, P.O. Box 12609, Oklahoma City, OK 73157, and 3) online at
Ron & Phyllis Roy