by Ron & Phyllis Roy
Over the last few months we have been visiting the districts of the Western Conference, and ministering in several cities and churches. Over the last few years, while on furlough and here in Mexico, we have seen scores of people respond to a simple but very powerful gospel message. Jesus does not change; He is always the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Let the redeemed of The Lord say so, ALWAYS!
In the last quarter of 2015, two churches baptized 235 new converts. This was in one city. We helped to baptize 98 of these new believers. Harvest? I believe so!
We saw years ago that if harvest will become a reality, something will have to be done to help educate and mobilize our local pastors and churches. According to conference leadership, who met with government officials, educational requirements will be a must for a minister to pastor a work legally in the near future. We are working with our leadership on a three-part plan to help meet that challenge. We will be sharing step by step over the course of time how this is progressing. So far, phase 1 is moving along.
This little lady (about 9 years of age) is a walking miracle. She was labeled as a life-long cripple, under-developed and no future. She gave us her testimony of how she was prayed for by believers (believers, that does make the difference) and God gave that young lady a progressive miracle. From someone needing crutches to walk, to walking with no aid at all, from everyone having low or no expectations of her mental health, to genius status, from no future, to not only an eternal life but a brighter future here with great expectations. She was intrigued with the nation of Israel. Phyllis and I were blown away with her testimony. God is good!
Speaking of health, our West Coast Supervisor Abel Robles health is nothing short of a miracle. Due to an accident about two years ago, he was losing the use of his left leg. Not being able to stand or walk well, a black out (due to an infection, he almost died that night), relentless pain and no sleep. There were times I would spend with him and he would share with me his desire to go on but unless God did something, he would have to leave his post. After prayer and some medical attention, he is up and ministering again to his conference and church. I was witness to all that happened and can testify that it was more of the benefit of prayer than it was the medical care. Seeing the miraculous gives hope and comfort in a God who cares for His people.
March 24-26 was the National Conference for IPAR. We had in the neighborhood of 3000 in attendance.
In March we celebrated 43 years of marriage. On the 19th, the conference leadership maneuvered me (they set me up) into cooking a Gumbo for them. As they were arriving, we counted more folks than invited. I told Phyllis to cook more rice. As we greeted our guests one by one, the last one to come in looked a lot like Amber. I had to do a double take. Phyllis started crying and I was in shock. It was her. Best anniversary present yet.
Phyllis and I have been missionaries to Mexico for some 22 years. We have seen good and bad, however He has always been there with us. We may fail Him but He never failed us. I don’t think ‘to fail’ is in His thoughts. Our supporters are a great encouragement to us, not only financially but prayerfully. I can honestly say that from time to time I can feel the strength of someone praying for us. Hard to explain, but a reality. Helping a conference, or pastor, underprivileged children, reaching the lost – together we can do our part to fulfill the Great Commission. He will return, just like He said He would. Staying focused and faithful is the key to successful Christian living and service. Praise the Lord!
Surprise! Hello everyone it’s me again! I got the opportunity to take a break from my own travels and visit mom and dad for their anniversary and conference. I look forward to attending the West Coast General Conference held in Mexicali. It’s been such a blessing to have this time. Ignite Passion most recently went to Rwanda to minister to their youth and leaders. We had an amazing time. Thank you once again for the support you’ve given my family over the years. Blessings!
Photo Credit: Ron & Phyllis Roy