31st School of Ministry Launched
On July 28, 2021, a new School of Ministry was launched in Kathmandu, Nepal. This is the 31st SOM to be launched in our network since 2007. Chase and Kristina, WMM missionaries, are leading this effort. Other SOM’s are planned to be launched in Nepal later this year. Please pray for the local teachers and students as they begin classes. Thank you.
Pakistan Village Outreaches
We are very thankful to all our friends and local churches that have given to our Pakistan Village Outreaches. Our Pakistan IPHC National Leader, Pastor Asher Mansha, has been leading these outreaches. We are seeing hundreds of souls being reached with the gospel of Christ! Water wells are being dug, mud hut churches are being built, and the Word of God is being distributed. Please continue to pray for Pastor Asher and his teams as they keep moving forward with these outreaches. Thank you.
Bishop Pepito Gadallo
We are very sad to announce that our IPHC Philippines National Leader, Bishop Pepito Gadallo, passed away on August 7, 2021. He had been on a ventilator for 10 days due to COVID complications. Bishop Pepito was a very humble and courageous servant leader of the Lord Jesus Christ. He had been the IPHC Philippines presiding Bishop since 2016. Please remember his dear wife, Mary, and their two children in your prayers. Also, please remember the over 260 churches in our Philippines field that have lost their dear leader. Thank you.
Tim & Beth Salley