Meyer Newsletter: December 2020
ALL HANDS-ON DECK IN THIS STORM: Our order is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth! The greatest tool we have is prayer! “The history of missions...
ALL HANDS-ON DECK IN THIS STORM: Our order is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth! The greatest tool we have is prayer! “The history of missions...
“THANK YOU FOR GIVING TO THE COVID19 INTERNATIONAL RELIEF FUND” These words are echoing from Africa! Here in Malawi, I represented God’s hand to present your seed in relief packets...
What could the 2020+ generation of kids reflect on after the COVID-19 Pandemic? There will be a definite paradigm shift caused by their past months experience. What did the kids...
Greetings Faithful Supporters, December is a time of celebration of why Christ was born! I wish you and your families a blessed season of celebrations. May your unity in faith...
Greetings Faithful Supporters, "Cathedral thinking" was explained at both the Global Assembly in Chile and at the Missionary Gathering in Bulgaria. This term means that we should all be actively...
Greetings Faithful Supporters, Youth will be taught to strengthen their faith in God, to be established in the lordship of Christ, and to walk in the Spirit. They will be...