I am happy to let you know that the presence of the Lord is with me, and I am well in my body and soul. It is so wonderful to have One who promises never to leave us or forsake us. He is my strength, my confidence, and consolation; my All in all situations.
My missionary activities have changed some because of the Covid-19 virus situation that has also affected Kenya. However, I am still here in Nairobi and live not far from Calvary Worship Centre. Ron and Sharon Wooten are family and caregivers to me. I have joy ministering to people more one on one these days, praying for individual people and leaders, and encouraging the saints. I have the opportunity to distribute tracts, booklets, and some Bibles and songbooks. I have loaned out and given away some of my books to encourage others. I contact some of our pastors, leaders, and members, encouraging them and assuring them of my prayers during this time. I do join others in praying as groups over the phone these days. It is a joy to be connected in prayer together like that. We are hoping that our churches will be able to open soon.
I do want to share one thing. I am really in debt. I am sorry to share that I will never be able to repay my debts, as it seems.
I want to explain. The debt that I owe which I can never repay is my debt to you. I do thank you most sincerely for the support you have given to me for years as a missionary. There are so many of you. You have been so faithful. I pray for you and believe you have an eternal reward for everything that I have been enabled to accomplish for the Lord in Africa.
Philip and I came to Africa in 1962. We have been in so many different types of ministry over the years in several countries in Africa. To mention all of those different types of ministry would take too long now, and space will not allow.
I cannot repay you, but the Lord knows all you have given and all the prayers you have prayed. I send you a great big THANK YOU VERY MUCH. May God bless you more. You have a part and reward for all that has been accomplished for His glory. My prayer for you is, “God bless you in very special ways.” Otherwise, I can never repay you. His blessings and favor are His rewards to you. Also, I expect to be in heaven together with you one day, rejoicing around the throne. Amen!
Asante Sana! Thank you very much,
Gailya List