Meyer Newsletter: December 2020

December 18th, 2020
ALL HANDS-ON DECK IN THIS STORM: Our order is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth! The greatest tool we have is prayer! “The history of missions...

Helland Newsletter: December 2020

December 16th, 2020
Dear family and friends, A very merry and joyful Christmas to you as we celebrate JESUS together! THANK YOU so much for being partners with us here in Brazil! Despite...

West Newsletter: December 2020

December 7th, 2020
Seasons Greetings! As this year quickly (and thankfully!) comes to a close, I am amazed to ponder all that God has done through us in such a difficult and uncertain...

Salley Newsletter: December 2020

December 3rd, 2020
COVID 19 in 2020 In a year when a global pandemic has been taking preeminence in the eyes of the world, let us not forget that God our Father is...

Delport Newsletter: December 2020

November 30th, 2020
    HELLO FRIENDS! All the Southern Africa countries have been infected and affected by the COVID-19 pandemic at various levels. It has been quite challenging, especially when church meetings...
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