By Ron & Phyllis Roy
Every new beginning brings its own opportunities and challenges. Starting in the first quarter of 2017, we will hit the ground running. Schools of Ministry, Holmes Bible College, ministering in our works, churches, conferences, and much more. We already have a full plate and 2017 is just beginning. So here we go with some updates and hope you and your family had a good Christmas and a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!
At present, we have five going on at the same time with two more coming on board soon. We will be graduating somewhere around 75 students soon, with another 19 a little later in the year, and about 75-100 in training. Over the next few years we are expecting harvesters for the harvest.
Our goal is to start in the first quarter. We have the degreed people, the building, the students and the opportunity to help educate and give direction to ministers to help change cities, states and nations, if we are willing to step up to the plate with solutions – and by God’s grace, we are willing – we can reach the unreached. Holmes can be one of those solutions. Along with Holmes, Southwestern University will be a part of this in the future. Southwestern has agreed to give a helping hand where it can; all we need to do is put our hand to the plow and go to work. Praise the Lord!!!
The ultimate goal is winning the lost. It is proven that the most effective way of winning the lost and discipling them is by planting new churches. In February, one of our churches in Mexico will present three trained, chosen, proven minsters to start new works. Imagine if this time next year we have 100 churches sending out one each – 100 potential new churches with new members. The Schools of Ministry and Holmes both play a part in training leaders. When you help us, it helps us to help them.
Beginning in January 2017, we will start with the Berea Building Program. Berea is the work that will be channeling Holmes (their facilities). We already have a team coming and we could use all the help we can muster. We received some help from the Antioch Grant, so with funds we had on hand and some extra help from World Missions Ministries and Executive Director Talmadge Gardner, we were blessed with the funds to begin. If your group desires to plant some seed into good ground, please contact me. We can use donations and groups for construction. We also have a church in the Baja area (nice weather all year) that is in need of a roof. These folks are truly challenged in the area of finances, but great people. We invite you to come and experience the Mexico you do not know. It will bless and change your life for the better, and your help will be greatly appreciated.
One of the areas we have a School of Ministry is San Felipe. You can walk up to the Sea of Cortes from the city. Since we started the School of Ministry, the work has out grown its present facilities. As you can see in the photo, we are holding service outside, not because of the heat, but because there wasn’t enough room to accommodate the attendees. Because of the angle of the photo, we could not even get a full picture of the entire crowd. What a great problem to have. Praise the Lord!
We have been called to the kingdom for such a time as this. Our generation is not a mistake on God’s part. God who created all that we see, who has no need of anyone’s help or advice, has chosen to put us into the picture and use His fallen but redeemed creation to proclaim His goodness and mercy. WE COUNT WITH HIM!
Yep, Amber got married. No, well, yes, her dad (me) did cry BUT, so did her mom, brother and sisters and so did Amber and our now, by God’s law, son.
We are thankful for the years she served with us on the field. Not just because she is my daughter, but because it is true that she was a blessing to us and to the works on the field. From the U.S.A. to Mexico, to Europe, to Africa, she has shared the gospel.
In closing, I think often of passing away. No, not afraid of dying, however, not ready just yet. But the thought that persists within me is death, then the judgement. Many to this day have not responded to the gospel. One reason is they have not heard. Fancy words may arouse the intellect and good speeches my stir the imagination, but the preaching of the gospel will convict and change the core of everyone who truly believes and will obey. As death comes to everyone, everyone needs to hear the good news. As a cup of water to a man dying of thirst, so is it with a man eternally dying, a life giving word with the power to change him from within.
Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. Philippians 2:16
God has been opening many doors for us, from Schools of Ministry to ministering in our churches and conferences. Recently, I was up in the mountains for a women’s retreat. I learned how to really “ROUGH IT”, but it was well worth the experience. We are pleased to announce that Amber got married in August. We are thankful for our new son-in-law. As always, we are thankful for your prayers and support. It helps us to keep the “Go ye” going.