We Prayerfully Value All Generations
We celebrate all generations and acknowledge that each is essential in the Body of Christ. We honor those who have gone before us and empower those who are following. The contribution of each generation is welcomed and encouraged as we pursue our God
Generational Family Ministry
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Download VideoRecommended Books
Anthony, Michelle & Marshman, Megan; Seven Family Ministry Essentials (LifeSprings Resources)
Conley, Bayless; From Generation to Generation (Answers Press)
Elmore, Tim; Generation iY (Poet Gardener Publishing)
Hanson, Amy; Baby Boomers and Beyond: Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passions of Adults over 50 (Jossey-Bass)
Hudson, Sophie; Giddyup Eunice (LifeSprings Resources)
McKnight, Scot; A Fellowship of Differents (Zondervan)
McIntosh, Gary L.; One Church Four Generations (LifeSprings Resources)
Parsley, Ross; Messy Church (David C. Cook)
Reyes, Luis; Reach a Generation (Creation House)
Robinson, Natasha Sistrunk & Morgan, Elisa; Mentor for Life (Women’s Ministries Book for 2018)
Stanley, Andy; Next Generation Leader (LifeSprings Resources)
Stark, David; Reaching Millennials (Bethany House Publishers)
White, James Emery; Meet Generation Z (Baker Books)
Equipping Baby Boomers for Ministry (Christianity Today)
Discipling Emerging Adults (Christianity Today)
Discipling Teens (Christianity Today)
Gifted for Leadership: Intergenerational Ministries (Christianity Today)
Intergenerational Ministry (Christianity Today)
Intergenerational Outreach: Come Together for Effective Ministry (Christianity Today)
Reaching Every Generation Assessment Pack (Christianity Today)