By Bishop Chris Thompson
On Thursday, November 5th, Bishop Chris Thompson (on behalf of the Evangelism USA) was awarded the “Penny” Penhollow Award by Founder Paul Becker of Dynamic Church Planting International. The award is given “For Excellence in Equipping Church Planters.” The presentation was made at the annual World Summit Meeting of DCPI. The meeting was held in Miami, Florida. Bishop Thompson and Stacy Hilliard, DCPI Coordinator of IPHC, were both present at the meeting.
DCPI is a training organization to train church planters and to equip pastors. EVUSA has trained near 1100 separate individuals in the last four years. Many of these 1100 have taken multiple courses, some as many as four courses. Near 275 have been trained as Certified Trainers. There are 11 Master Trainers over these and 5 Senior Master Trainers over these. The goal is for every IPHC pastor in America to be trained in at least one course.
For every person trained in a DCPI course, he/she will either plant 2.7 churches in the next five years or influence others to do so. For each church planted, some 49.6 persons will be won to the Lord in the next five years. These figures represent DCPI’s International averages since the organization was birthed in 1994.
One thing is for sure, the Lord is at work. He is using DCPI.