Avanza y Multiplica (Advance and Multiply) is a concept organized by the Hispanic Ministries of the IPHC with a forward-thinking design to focus on the calling, leadership, church growth, and planting new congregations among the IPHC Hispanic community. As part of the Arise 2033 vision, we consider Avanza y Multiplica a resource that drives the vision forward.
In September 2021, we had a significant Avanza y Multiplica event in Oklahoma City, which more than 150 people from all over the country attended. Among other results, we believe that approximately 20 new churches were planted due to the impact caused in the people who attended. Avanza y Multiplica has been replicated in two other locations, where it was carried out with outstanding achievements and a significant movement of the Lord among the attendees. Avanza y Multiplica provides a time to revive the passion and strengthen God's call, especially among the new generations. This is why we pray for Avanza y Multiplica to be a movement, not an event.
Avanza y Multiplica provides an atmosphere where attendees are challenged, encouraged, and inspired to take their calling seriously and consider being part of a movement of leadership development, church growth, church planting, and new generations of leaders. Avanza y Multiplica is a divine mission moment like the one in Acts 13, where prayer is combined with the presence of the Holy Spirit, ministry gifts, and the sending of pioneers of the Lord's work, resulting in rapid and effective communication of the gospel, carried out by new leaders and churches. This is what we want to see in the United States.
Five things created an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit moved and mobilized the church, as seen in Acts 13: vision, passion, prayer, fasting, leadership, and unity. We want to witness a harvest of new churches and leaders reaching more than 60 million Hispanics nationwide; therefore, Avanza y Multiplica.
***Visit www.iphcministerioshispanos.org to know more about this ministry

Luis Avila
Hispanic Ministries Director.