By Bishop Thomas McGhee
The Heartland Conference gathered on Saturday, April 29, to conduct their Annual Session. The weather was far less than ideal with heavy rain from storms passing through the area. Despite the inclement weather, more than 200 of the conference membership were present. Bishop Stuart Sherrill had prepared a well-organized agenda. After a time of powerful worship, I was blessed to share a presentation on this year’s core value, “We Prayerfully Value Christ’s Kingdom.”
Bishop Stuart Sherrill shared his State of the Conference Report. He shared his heart and vision for Heartland, which included church planting and other initiatives. The delegates and guests expressed their appreciation for his vision and leadership. Rev. Terry Lowder presented his report as the assistant superintendent, followed by Rev. Hallie Brown’s Director of Discipleship Ministries Report. Rev. Lowder also shared the World Missions 2017 goals. Bishop Sherrill led in presenting various Minister’s Service Pins.
After a break, Rev. John Youell, conference secretary, read the Report of the Examining Committee. Seven individuals were recommended for Minister’s License and four were to be ordained. I was honored to deliver the charge to the following new ministers:
Kaleigh Bishop
Alex Hernandez
Jose L. Matos
Marilyn Matos
Rodrigo Rivas
Daniel Webb
Raeha Butler
It was also a special blessing to lead the ordination service for the following individuals:
Juan Aldama
Donald Dee Boone
Dustin Burpo
Eliu Garcia
After a moving Memoirs Report, our session was adjourned to enjoy lunch and fellowship. It was my pleasure to serve the Heartland Conference and Bishop Sherrill as presiding officer for the day.