It was an honor to return to my home conference for the LifePoint Ministries Annual Conference held at the Swails Center on the campus of Emmanuel College, Franklin Springs, Georgia, September 14, 2019.
The attendance was outstanding as Bishop Tim Lamb has led the conference in new patterns of meeting for training in the summer and holding the annual conference a few months later. This pattern enables the ministers from across the state to meet together more often as a total group.

r-l, Bishop Tim Lamb (current superintendent), Rev. Bill Jones, Rev. Keith Hearn, Rev. John Ingham, Dr. Doug Beacham.
The following were recognized for their past and present service to the IPHC and conference: former conference superintendents Keith Hearn, John Ingham, Bill Jones, and Doug Beacham; former IPHC Win directors Barbara and Bane James; president of Emmanuel College, Dr. Ron White; president of Holmes Bible College, Rev. Chris Thompson and his wife Betty; IPHC missionary to Wales, Rev. Todd Presley; former IPHC missionaries Ronnie and Margaret Turner; U.S. Navy Chaplain Dr. Adam Erwin, and retired active chaplains CH (COL) Rodney Callahan (U.S. Army), CH (MAJ) Christy Sorrow (U.S. Air Force), CH (MAJ) Terry Kesling (U.S. Army), and CH (LTC) Doug Beacham (U.S. Army Reserves)
I wanted to include this photo of the five men who have served or are presently serving, as superintendent of LifePoint Ministries (Georgia Conference): r-l, Bishop Tim Lamb (current superintendent), Rev. Bill Jones, Rev. Keith Hearn, Rev. John Ingham, Dr. Doug Beacham.
Following the welcome from Bishop Lamb, the presiding officer presented the We Prayerfully Value Justice Core Value video and message. Both were well received by the delegates.
Bishop Lamb presented the State of the Conference. As of 2018, there are 160 credentialed ministers and 41 local congregations (plus three affiliates). The ministers are from 13 different states and three different nations.
The conference moved its offices to a building on the campus of Emmanuel College. This has proven to be an outstanding step as Bishop Lamb, and other members of the conference Executive Council are able to develop fruitful relationships with faculty and students on the campus.
The conference is strong financially with growth in tithing from all sources to $525,739 in 2018, up from $490,100 in 2017. The churches gave $172,768.51 to World Missions Ministries in 2018.