(L-R) Bishop Doug Beacham, Bishop Charles Hanson, Bishop Shannon Truelove ( IPCC General Overseer) in 2017
Reverend Charles Hanson, general superintendent of the Congregational Holiness Church, passed away Monday, August 10, 2020. He had served as General Superintendent since the CHC’s 2017 General Conference.
The International Pentecostal Holiness Church joins with our sister denomination in celebrating Bishop Hanson’s life and ministry.
“I have known Bishop Hanson for many years,” said IPHC General Superintendent Doug Beacham, “as we served our denominations in Georgia, and as colleagues in our current roles. He was a godly leader as well as a friend. Our prayers are with his family, and with the Congregational Holiness Church in this season of sorrow.”
Bishop Hanson’s funeral service will take place on Saturday, August 15 at 3 PM EST at West Sunnyside CHC located at 1840 Patterson Rd. Griffin, GA 30223. Services will be streamed live on West Sunnyside’s Facebook page.
Read the complete obituary on the CHC’s Web site.
Additional service information available on the CHC’s Facebook page.