US Senator Lankford Visits GMC
The General Superintendent’s Office recently welcomed US Senator James Lankford to the Global Ministry Center. The General Superintendent was eager to express the IPHC’s thanks for Senator Lankford’s help with...
The General Superintendent’s Office recently welcomed US Senator James Lankford to the Global Ministry Center. The General Superintendent was eager to express the IPHC’s thanks for Senator Lankford’s help with...
In the winter prior to Jesus’ crucifixion, at the time of what we today call Hanukkah, He said, “I have come that they may life, and that they may have...
Jesus died on Friday afternoon and was hurriedly buried before Sabbath began at sunset that evening. There was not even time to properly rub the body in spices and perfumes...
The death of Jesus not only addresses the justice needed for our personal reconciliation with God, but His death also provides the basis for genuine justice and reconciliation in this...
There is a majestic scene in Revelation 7:9-17 where the Apostle John sees “a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before...
John 17 is Jesus’ High Priestly prayer, offered just before He led the disciples over the Brook Kidron to the Garden of Gethsemane (John 18:1). This prayer reveals Jesus’ deep...