Any use of materials obtained in the IPHC Archives and Research Center or through the database can be considered copyrighted by the IPHC, unless it is a book or other publication that is out of copyright according to U.S. Law.
Quoted or paraphrased text from books or other publications can be used and cited, according to the limits and guidelines established by U.S. Law, without requiring our permission. Cite materials following appropriate documentation styles (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) to avoid copyright infringement or plagiarism.
You will need to email the Director of Archives and Research for written permission to use all other copyrighted materials in any sort of publication — digital, film, print, audial, or any combination of those. For examples, sermons, videos, music, and photographs would probably require permission.
Send a link or a screenshot of the exact item you want permission to use and a clear description of the manner you intend to use it for an expedited response.
Materials used with permission must not disparage the IPHC or its affiliates. You will be required to sign a statement attesting to this.
All materials must be cited and credit given to the IPHC Archives and Research Center.
The original donor may use his/her materials as desired. However, please advise the IPHC Archives and Research Center Director.
Citing our materials:
The citation for materials would be something like this (modify to match the requirements of the documentation style you are using):
“Title.” IPHC Archives and Research Center, year, url.
Contact information for the director:
Dr. Kristen Welch,
Call: 405-787-7110 ext. 7157
Please note: It is our deepest hope that you will use our materials in your research and publications! We want to help you accomplish your goals.
Just reach out, and we will do our very best to help.