Please Call Ahead
If you would like to pay a visit to the IPHC Archives and Research Center, it is best to call or email to make arrangements ahead of time since all visitors must be supervised. Also, Dr. Welch works remotely for parts of the year, and Rev. McDade works part-time, so it is best to arrange a visit when you know at least one person will be on site since the center is closed when we are not there.
To reach out:
Email: or
Call: 405-787-7110 ext. 7157
Touring the Center
We currently do not have much on display, but we are happy to speak with you and show you what we have. We hope to obtain grant funding and create a display focused on the history of the IPHC in Oklahoma. If we are funded, we will create this in 2025.
At a future time, we will provide an online 3D tour of our new displays.
Conducting Research
For scholars who wish to visit, please first check the database for digital copies of what you need. To search on the database, please use a keyword, not an exact full name or full title. This is more effective. Everything with that key word will appear in the list that emerges.
If you don’t see the item you need on the database, or if you have questions, please call or email. We typically do not allow visitors to go through boxes, but we can go through the materials for you and see what might be relevant if you will communicate with us prior to visiting.
Some of our files are closed, and some of our materials are not made available to the public. By making arrangements in advance, we can save you a trip if what you need falls into this category.
Finally, the Consortium of Pentecostal Archives has many of our materials online. Don’t forget to use that valuable tool for finding what you need.