We Prayerfully Value Holiness:
Holiness is beautiful. God chose us and set us apart for His glory. Our lifestyles reflect the character of the God who called us to Himself. We believe that He calls us to be holy in order to reveal His grace, mercy, and love to a broken world.
You Are Holy
Download VideoPreview of Holiness Emphasis
Download Video5thGA Core Value Holiness
Download VideoIan Daniels
Download VideoYQ15 Saturday Morning
Allen Griffin and Bishop Doug Beacham speak on the Anoi... Read Morenting and Holiness Read Less
Download VideoEpisode VII // Dru Hamm
IPHC Generations Episode VII. IPHC General Superintende... Read Morent Bishop Doug Beacham sits down with Dru Hamm. Dru is the writer and performer of the new IPHC spoken word video emphasizing the 2016 Core Value We Prayerfully Value Holiness. Dru speaks about his life and the importance of being Holy. Check out the Core Value Emphasis Video "You Are Holy" here: https://vimeo.com/157217630 Read Less
Download VideoEpisode VIII // Bryan Nix
IPHC Generations Episode VIII. IPHC General Superintend... Read Moreent Bishop Doug Beacham sits down with IPHC Missionary Bryan Nix. Bryan is an itinerating missionary with IPHC World Missions Ministries Division, and is preparing to serve in Kathmandu, Nepal. Bryan speaks about his experience in the fight against human trafficking, working with People to People Ministries, and the importance of being Holy. To support IPHC ministries around the world, visit donations.iphc.org Read Less
Download VideoRecommended Books
Beacham, Jr., A.D.; Rediscovering the Role of Apostles and Prophets (LifeSprings Resources)
Bevere, John; Good or God? Why Good Without God Isn’t Enough (Messenger International)
Brooks, Noel; Scriptural Holiness (LifeSprings Resources)
Also available as an ebook at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
Coleson, Joseph; Be Holy (Wesleyan Publishing House)
DeNeff, Steve; More than Forgiveness (Wesleyan Publishing House)
DeNeff, Steve; The Way of Holiness (Wesleyan Publishing House)
DeYoung, Kevin; The Hole in our Holiness (Crossway)
Drury, Keith; Holiness for Ordinary People (Wesleyan Publishing House)
Duewel, Wesley L.; Heroes of the Holy Life (Zondervan)
Evans, Paul F.; Help for Holiness (Westbow Press)
Evans, Paul F.; Holiness Reconsidered (Xulon Press)
Also available as an ebook on Kindle
Gouse, Hollis; Living in the Spirit: The Way of Salvation (CPT Press)
Holmes, N.J.; God’s Provision for Holiness(Pentecostal Mission Publishing Company)
Digitized as a pdf with permission.
Land, Steven Jack; Pentecostal Spirituality (CPT Press)
LeRoy, Matt, and Summers, Jeremy; The Way Forward (Wesleyan Publishing House)
Mannoia, Kevin; The Holiness Manifesto (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.)
Murray, Andrew; Holy in Christ (Merchant Books)
Olson, Roger; Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities (IVP Academic)
Reardon, Amy; Holiness Revealed (Wesleyan Publishing House)
Turner, W.H.; The Sanctified Way of Life (Rev. W.H. Turner)
Digitized as a pdf with permission.
Wesley, John; A Plain Account of Christian Perfection (Beacon Hill Press)
Also available as a free public domain PDF download.
Wood, J.A.; Purity and Maturity (Forgotten Books)