Presiding Bishop Doug Beacham has approved the recommendation of the Disaster Relief USA (DRUSA) Committee to declare Northern California for IPHC Disaster Relief Response.
Northern California has been battling a series of major fires. According to The Washington Post, 21 different fires have burned over 191,000 acres, with many of them far from containment. DRUSA’s initial response will be with financial assistance to the Pacific Western Conference relief effort, under the direction of Bishop Stan Reynolds.
I cannot recall in the history of DRUSA where the ministry has responded to this many disasters in such a brief time frame. Your prayers and financial support are needed as DRUSA moves forward in the coming days to assist IPHC members and congregations in the Northern California area.
To contribute to the disaster response, please click the following link. . . DRUSA Response. Please be aware that we are updating our donations page to reflect the current disasters. Your gifts will go to the current response no matter what disaster is shown.
To see the locations of the current fires, you can select the following link – Cal Fire
– Bill Terry, DRUSA National Coordinator