THANK YOU, to all the men who attended the 2019 North Carolina Conference Men’s Ministries Band of Brothers Conference in Falcon on September 20th and 21st.
God truly blessed those who were there in a special way. Our speakers, General Men’s Ministries Director W.A. Mills, and Texas Latin Conference Men’s Ministries Director Mario Ayala did an excellent job. The words they shared truly challenged us all.
Pastor Ray Faircloth Jr. and the team of men from Higher Ground Church in Ahoskie provided our worship music. They did an awesome job leading us into worship with song and praise to our Lord.
Our Conference DM Director, Jon Oliver, also shared an excellent word in our Stand To Devotion time to begin our Saturday morning.
And our Conference DRUSA Director, Brother Gordon Knox, and his team did a great job as well providing wonderful food for our Friday night supper, our Saturday morning breakfast, and those all-important break times.
Our NCMM Band of Brothers Conference provides an opportunity for men to come together to be challenged and encouraged to be the men God has called us to be. I would like to challenge all our male pastors and local Men’s Ministries Directors to begin planning NOW for next year’s conference.
I leave you with this challenge… “LET THE MEN OF GOD ARISE.”

Danny Harris, NC MM Director

Jon Oliver, NC DM Dir

Mario Ayala, TXLC MM Dir

W.A. Mills, Nat. MM Dir


Ray Faircloth, Jr., BoB Worship Leader