Smudges. I hate smudges.
One morning I woke up to find my glasses in pretty bad shape, completely bent and smudged from the night they spent smashed against my face.
For all you glasses-wearers out there, is there anything more annoying than smudges? You have to stop what you are doing, take your glasses off, and find a soft piece of material, like microfiber, that will not smudge them further or scratch the lenses.
So, I did what I had to do. I realigned them, cleaned them off, and put them back on my face. After all, it is 2020. I am supposed to have perfect vision, right?
I would say that there have been all sorts of smudges on my figurative glasses in the year 2020. At times, I have felt like I could barely see through them. Worry, doubt, fear of the unknown, and more, all adding smudges to blur my vision. These smudged glasses have taken my focus and attention away from the only One who can help clean them off: Jesus.
How about you, have you encountered any smudges this year? Many of our Girls’ Ministries programs have been put on hold since the beginning of COVID-19. Some have been able to go back to in-person meetings, some have continued virtually, and others have not had much contact at all. No matter which category you fall under, this has been a prime time for the enemy to try to steal focus.
In having conversations with multiple Girls’ Ministries directors and volunteers, I have heard the same phrases:
• I don’t feel like I’m doing enough.
• What can I do when we can’t meet face to face?
• What will girls’ ministries look like in 6 months? Will we even have girls’ ministries again?
• Maybe this isn’t where I am needed anymore.
• I don’t have the resources like __________ church.
• I am not equipped for virtual ministry.
These are legitimate questions and concerns. Apprehension for the future is real, but what happens when the concerns shift to our primary focus? The bottom line is this: anything taking your focus and attention off the fact that you are called to love and disciple girls are smudges on your figurative glasses.
God has called you, and He will equip you. Where is your focus? Are your glasses smudged?
Without a doubt, COVID-19 has shifted our routine and forced us to think outside the box both inside and outside the church. This time is uncomfortable, but that does not mean that we cannot grow. We can choose to leave that smudge on our glasses, or we can decide to clean them off by pausing before the Lord and looking to Him as we are encouraged to do so in Psalm 121.
“I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.”
Let that sink in for a second. Our help comes from the One who made heaven and earth. There is nothing too big for Him. When distractions come to try to steal our focus, we need to take those glasses off, get that microfiber rag, and let God help us clean off every single smudge. Only with God's help are we able to walk smudge-free into our calling to love and disciple girls.
This song has been on replay as I work to refocus my eyes on the Lord. I hope it encourages you today!
Here are three practical ideas to connect with your girls:
- A phone call: Ask parents’ permission to set up a phone call with your girls. They will love hearing your voice. Play a game of 20 questions or check up on how the first couple weeks of school have gone.
- Send a card in the mail: It is so meaningful and fun to open actual mail from someone you love. A personal note reminds your girls that you love them, and you are thinking about them.
- Doorstep/Drive-By visit: If parents are okay with it, do a doorstep or drive-by visit. Even if you cannot hug your girls, seeing your face will make them feel special and remind them how much you care about them.

Meredith Light is originally from Southwest Kansas, but after graduating from Southwestern Christian University in 2017, she decided to officially call Oklahoma her home. She currently serves in a dual role within Discipleship Ministries as the National Coordinator for Girls’ Ministries and Student Ministries Specialist. Meredith is passionate about gender-specific ministry and believes that strong, genuine relationships with Christlike women are the foundation for raising godly girls. Meredith loves spending time with her family and friends, singing, making others laugh, and scoping out the best bargains at local garage sales.