Boys today are under assault from the enemy in ways that we never imagined. Radical cultural changes and the negative influence of secular media have created a pathway to manhood that is no longer clear. Many boys are losing their way and they need what you have to offer. John Eldridge in his book, Wild at Heart, says “Masculinity is bestowed, a boy learns how to be a man in the company of other men, he can learn it nowhere else.”
The core objective of Royal Rangers is discipleship - to provide boys with a clear picture of biblical manhood according to the model of Jesus Christ and provide them with a process to pursue it.
- Simply put; to “Provide boys with a picture and a process for Christlike manhood.”
- Scripture provides the picture in the life of Jesus Christ, but the process comes through the lives of everyday men like you who model the Christlike life before the boys as you do life together.
Discipleship must be intentional; Dan Erickson would use the following example to illustrate this point. He would say, just expecting someone to become a disciple without an intentional plan is like putting a bunch of automobile parts in a box, then shaking the box and expecting a car to fall out. It simply will not happen. In the same way we must be intentional about making disciples. Discipleship is far too important to just leave to chance.
In a combined effort between Boys’ and Girls’ Ministries we have created a Bible Study curriculum called “Stand Firm” based on the Armor of God. Ephesians 6:11 says, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” We are living in evil days and we must do everything we can to stand firm in the face of evil.
One way to stand firm is by reading the Word of God. We are making it our goal to help boys and their families read and study the Bible for a minimum of ten minutes per day four days a week. We are doing this as it relates to the mission statement of IPHC Boys’ Ministries – “Our desire is to create intentional opportunities of ministry to boys who are becoming lifelong disciples of Jesus.”
We are specifically focusing on two of the core values of IPHC Boys’ Ministries –
- “Partnering with parents to create an environment of discipleship for their sons.”
- “Empowering boys to know God through his word.”
Go to to download a copy of the Stand Firm curriculum.
We find the courage needed to stand firm in God’s strength through the power of His armor. Armor that God has created just for us and armor that has stood the test of time and battles is what is needed. The enemy defeats us when we think we are strong in ourselves. We are no match for the enemy, but God makes us more than conquerors. What we need to say is, “God because you are strong – I will stand firm.”
Isaiah 54:17 in the International Children’s Bible says, “So no weapon that is formed against you will defeat you. You will show that those who speak against you are wrong. These are the good things my servants receive. Their victory comes from me says the Lord.”
These are the things boys need from us as men of God:
- To “Provide boys with a picture and a process for Christlike manhood.”
- To teach them how to “Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil”.
When you see a need and feel a nudge or tug in your heart to do something about that need, that is an opportunity for your faith to grow. If you say yes your faith will grow and a need will be met. If you say no it negatively affects you and someone else, maybe for eternity. My question to the men of God today is this – “What hangs in the balance of your “yes” today?”
Stand firm and say “yes” - then watch what God can do. S. Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-a, said this, “When we reach out and influence a child for good, it is perhaps the most important thing we will do in a lifetime.”
David Moore has served as the National Commander of the Royal Rangers for the International Pentecostal Holiness Church since October 1998. Before coming to the national office in 1993, he worked in the Global Ministries Center accounting office. Commander Moore has been actively involved in a local outpost since 1985. He currently serves as the Senior Commander for his local church and works on a weekly basis with the Ranger Kids outpost.