Don’t get worried this will not be your typical New Year’s article filled with all the challenges, resolutions, and expectations you should have for a New Year. To be honest, I don’t do New Year’s very well. I do enjoy the celebrations with friends and family, but that is about the extent of it. I don’t make resolutions that I know I won’t keep. In fact, the only resolution that I was successful at making was, don’t make any more New Year’s resolutions.

David Moore has served as the National Commander of the Royal Rangers for the International Pentecostal Holiness Church since October 1998. Before coming to the national office in 1993, he worked in the Global Ministries Center accounting office. Commander Moore has been actively involved in a local outpost since 1985. He currently serves as the Senior Commander for his local church and works on a weekly basis with the Ranger Kids outpost.