Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life.
Psalm 143:8
Finding God's Unfailing Love in the Midst of Chaos: A Reflection on Psalm 143:8
Psalm 143:8, a verse that often graces inspirational banners and wall hangings, resonates deeply with its simple yet powerful message: "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." While beautiful on its own, understanding the context of this verse within the larger narrative of David's life adds layers of meaning and poignancy.
This psalm, believed to be written during a particularly tumultuous period in David's life, reveals a man wrestling with deep emotional and spiritual turmoil. Many scholars suggest David penned these words while fleeing from his own son, Absalom, who was attempting to usurp the throne. Imagine the pain and confusion David must have felt, betrayed by his own flesh and blood. This wasn't just any enemy; it was his son, a son he loved.
David's plea in Psalm 143:8 takes on a new dimension when viewed through this lens. He isn't simply asking for a general sense of God's love; he's crying out for reassurance in the face of unimaginable betrayal. He's not just seeking guidance; he's desperately searching for direction in a situation that likely shook his faith to its core. How could this be happening? How could his own son turn against him?
David, a man intimately acquainted with sin and forgiveness, understood the depths of God's mercy. He had experienced it himself after his transgression with Bathsheba and Uriah. This personal experience of divine grace likely fueled his desire for reconciliation with Absalom despite the pain his son had inflicted. He knew the power of forgiveness and longed for Absalom to experience it as well.
This psalm isn't just a historical account; it's a timeless expression of the human experience. We, too, face moments of chaos and uncertainty. We may find ourselves questioning our decisions, grappling with unforeseen circumstances, and desperately seeking answers. Like David, we may even feel betrayed or abandoned by those we love.
In these moments, David's prayer offers us a powerful example. He doesn't deny his pain or his confusion. Instead, he turns to God, acknowledging his trust and surrendering his life. He asks for guidance, not demanding a specific outcome, but simply asking to be shown the way.
The verse's opening lines, "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love," speak to the enduring nature of God's love. Even in the darkest of nights, even when surrounded by turmoil, God's love remains constant. It's a love we can rely on, a love that renews us each morning.
This psalm encourages us to do the same: to bring our doubts, our fears, and our pain to God. To trust in His unfailing love, even when we don't understand the circumstances. To seek His guidance, knowing that He will show us the way, even if it's not the way we expect. To entrust our lives to Him, confident that He will never abandon us.
Just as David sought God's will amidst the chaos of his life, we can find solace and direction in His unfailing love. Psalm 143:8 is more than just a beautiful verse; it's a prayer for hope, a prayer for guidance, and a reminder that even in the midst of the storm, God's love remains steadfast.

Tiffany considers herself to be an integrator dedicated to carrying out the vision of the Church. As a 4th generation IPHC minister, she appreciates our history while pushing toward the future. After graduating from Emmanuel College, she felt God calling her into full-time ministry. She has served as the children and youth pastor in the local church. Tiffany currently serves as the Conference Children’s Pastor on the NC Conference DM Council and on the Leadership Council at her local church in Garner, NC.
Tiffany loves to travel with her sweetheart, Christopher, and their two beautiful girls, Sadie Grace and Nina Kate. Lately, if she’s not taking a trip or hosting an event, she’s planning a trip or event.