Finding Rest in a Busy World: A Reflection on Mark 6
We live in a culture that glorifies busyness, often teetering on the brink of burnout. As Christians, our activity is often mission-focused, yet we can struggle to prioritize the very thing that replenishes us: rest. In Mark 6, we see Jesus modeling the importance of rest, even amidst a demanding ministry.
Jesus sends his disciples out two by two on their first mission trip (Mark 6:7-13). They go with minimal provisions, relying on God's provision as they preach repentance, cast out demons, and anoint the sick. This experience emphasizes their dependence on God and their focus on ministry.
The narrative then shifts to the death of John the Baptist, a significant loss for Jesus. Following this, the disciples return from their mission trip, eager to share their experiences (Mark 6:30). The pace intensifies as crowds gather, leaving Jesus and his disciples little time even to eat. It's in this whirlwind of activity that Jesus says something crucial: "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest" (Mark 6:31).
This passage highlights a vital truth: even in the midst of important work, rest is essential. Jesus, recognizing the demands on his disciples, invites them to a place of solitude to recharge. This wasn't a luxury; it was a necessity.
The Inevitability of Busyness:
Life is full of demands. Whether it's work, family, school, or ministry, we often feel overwhelmed. But the world still spins regardless of our personal circumstances. Even when things are going well and we’re knocking it out of the park, the pressure to maintain performance can lead to anxiety. Rest often feels inconvenient, as there always seems to be something more to do. However, this very feeling underscores the importance of making it a priority.
Why Rest Matters:
- Rest is Necessary: We cannot function effectively without rest. It's not a matter of convenience; it's a matter of survival. Rest allows us to be sharper, more alert, more efficient, and more loving. It allows us to be more like Jesus. Without it, we risk burnout and open ourselves up to spiritual and emotional vulnerabilities.
- Rest is an Invitation: God himself modeled rest after creation (Genesis 2:2-3). This wasn't because he was tired, but to establish a rhythm for humanity. Rest is an invitation from God, a chance to reconnect with him and be refreshed. Like the disciples, we have the choice to accept or decline this invitation.
- Rest is Selfless and Compassionate: When we are rested, we are better equipped to serve others. Just as a tired toddler can become irrational, we too can become overwhelmed and less compassionate when we are depleted. Jesus, even amidst his own weariness, had compassion on the crowds (Mark 6:34). His ability to empathize stemmed, in part, from his practice of rest.
Practical Ways to Rest:
Here’s a helpful list of practical ways to incorporate rest into our lives:
- Praise and worship
- Bible reading and reflection
- Prayer and listening
- Gratitude journaling
- Napping
- Communion
- Attending church or a worship service
- Spending time in nature
- Spending time with loved ones
- Disconnecting from technology
- Fasting (for spiritual focus)
Sharpening the Axe:
The story is told of two woodcutters, a young man (let’s call him Rylan), and an older, more experienced woodcutter (let’s call him Tim). Rylan, eager to prove himself, challenged Tim to a contest: who could chop the most wood in a single day? The next morning, they began their work. Early on, Rylan noticed Tim pausing his chopping. Thinking he had an advantage, Rylan pressed on, confident of victory. Tim's pauses continued throughout the day, sometimes lasting fifteen minutes, while Rylan, though tiring, stubbornly persisted. At the end of the day, Rylan was astonished to discover that Tim had felled significantly more trees. Frustrated and confused, he asked Tim how this was possible, given the numerous breaks he had taken. Tim replied, "Those times you heard me stop chopping? That's when I was sharpening my axe."
The analogy of the two woodcutters illustrates the importance of rest. The younger woodcutter, focused on continuous activity, failed to recognize the value of sharpening his axe. The older woodcutter, by taking breaks to sharpen his blade, ultimately achieved more. Similarly, rest allows us to "sharpen our axe," to be more effective and fruitful in our endeavors.
Rest is not a luxury; it's a fundamental need. It's an invitation from God, a necessary component of a balanced life, and a key to serving others effectively. By prioritizing rest, we honor God, care for ourselves, and become better equipped to fulfill the calling he has placed on our lives.

Rylan and his wife, Ashley, moved to Morehead City, NC, in February 2016, where he serves as the Youth Pastor at Glad Tidings Church. He graduated from Emmanuel College in 2008 and has had the privilege of serving in the local church ever since.
Rylan’s love for his family is immense! He and Ashley are the proud parents of three incredible sons, Brantley, Kip, and Jamal, whom they first fostered and then adopted. He also cherishes his role as "Pop-Pop" to his beloved granddaughter, Zola.
With a heart for the young and old alike, Rylan is always willing to lend a hand and enrich the lives of those around him. Inspired by the example of his parents, he strives to make a positive impact, much like the IPHC has impacted his own life. He hopes to be a similar influence on those he encounters throughout his journey.