Falcon Children's Home & Family Services is a private, not-for-profit institution fully licensed by the states of North Carolina and South Carolina to care for children from birth until 21 years old. Through various programs and projects, Falcon Children's Home has worked with the IPHC for over 100 years to provide safe havens for children. They have expanded to include two residential care facilities in Falcon, NC and in Turbeville, SC; New Life Christian Adoptions, Foster Care Program, Royal Home Ministries, and a thrift store.
Falcon Christian Academy is located on the campus of Falcon Children’s Home & Family Services and was formed to help middle and high school students “catch up” through an academically intensive program. The school’s mission is focused on academic achievement, biblical worldview, and character development. Many students have not been successful in multiple school settings. It is their hope that they can work together (students, faculty, house parents and social services) to redeem past mistakes and facilitate a positive attitude toward education and life-long learning.
Since its inception, they have been committed to the desires of its founders; to provide a Christian home for children, who for whatever reason, are unable to live with their parents or whose parents are deceased. They continue to serve the needs of children without regard to creed, color, race or religion; to provide services and opportunities that will enhance the total wellbeing of every child – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They provide a safe, healing journey for hurting children and families; where love makes a difference.
Royal Home Ministries-50 for Life
Download VideoIncluded under the Falcon Children's Home & Family Services, the Royal Home Ministries is a residential care center for young mothers and pregnant women. Since it's inception in 1992, it has ministered to hundreds of women.
The Royal Home offers care, counseling and educational opportunities in a nurturing, protected atmosphere. It is committed to serving clients of any race, religion, or national origin. No one is turned away because of their lack of funds. The ultimate goal of The Royal Home program is to provide an alternative to abortion, while redirecting and enriching the lives of expectant mothers.

Through this program, mothers are provided with the opportunity to prepare for life outside of TRH. Opportunities such as in-house classes like childbirth, newborn basics, life skills training, and education and career planning are available. Whether the path of parenting or adoption is chosen by the client, the staff of The Royal Home is there to walk alongside mothers, ensuing the necessary safety, support, care, and encouragement needed for a healthy pregnancy and birth.
The Marvin & Joyce Whitfield Campus was opened in June of 2015. The campus consists of three buildings including; a maternity care home that serves up to 12 clients, a mother and baby apartment complex that is able to house up to 16 mothers and their children, and an administration/training facility.
Turbeville Children’s Home’s property was purchased by the IPHC on October 7, 2015, and received a license to operate by the state of SC in January of 2016. The home was previously opened October 8, 1949, by the South Carolina State Association of Free Will Baptists and was known as the Free Will Baptist Orphanage. Over time the name of the home changed to The Free Will Baptists Home for Children. The facility was open until February 2013 where it served hundreds of children.
The official opening of the Turbeville Campus was scheduled for March 1, 2016, however, due to a need for a sibling group of four needing placement, the first children were received February 23, 2016. Another sibling group of four was placed the very next day. Within the first six months of operation Turbeville Children’s Home has cared for over 45 children between the ages of 0-21. Currently, Turbeville Children’s Home serves children from the following counties: Clarendon, Florence, Horry, Richland, Sumter, Lexington, Georgetown, Williamsburg, and Dillon.
The IPHC is a proud partner and sponsor of the Falcon Children’s Home. There are several ways that you can join in our support of this wonderful ministry:
Baby Hope Club is an outreach sponsored by Girls’ Ministries to donate funds to The Royal Home.
Women’s Ministries also sponsors the Falcon Children’s Home Harvest Train every year. The Harvest Train is an event held on the FCH campus to raise donations to support the ministry. Women’s Ministries teams from across the nation meet at Harvest Train to give their donations to the Children’s Home. Click HERE to donate to Harvest Train, or CLICK HERE to find information about your local Conference.
You can also donate directly to the Falcon Children’s Home on their website. CLICK HERE to visit the FCH website.